My novel project, Arlen's Harem, has received $275 since it was begun two weeks ago, and The Kenya Project 2013 has received no donations. Please give me feedback on the topic(s).
Of course, I realize times are tough--as a matter of fact, I'm posting from Compunet rather than from home because my wi-fi is suspended. However, I'm not asking any one individual to fully fund both projects. If, say, 500 individuals donated $5, I could devote my attention fully to both projects at least for the next few weeks.
Give it some thought. And if you don't like Go Fund Me for whatever reason, hit my Paypal tip jar on the left side bar!
Also, God and wi-fi willing, I'll be on the Ed Morrissey Show tomorrow to discuss my projects. 12 PM Central Time 5 4 PM Eastern.
Thank you all in advance for your generosity and foresight!
UPDATE: Excuse my lack of posting about my projects or other things. When you have no wifi at home, you have to catch up to what's going on in the world later than most. And have I mentioned that South Central LA is a wifi wasteland? Had to hike 2 miles to a McDonalds for free wifi (couldn't text with Compunet's service).
Tom Clancy dead (RIP) and (some) World War Two veterans alive! Wow.
I guess we all knew that Woody Allen was a child molester. Too bad Mia Farrow didn't figure it out sooner. I refuse to see any of his movies.
And go read this post at Black and Right from a couple of months ago. It's related to my post on my nephews. Commentary is forthcoming.
Have a great day, and, hopefully, I'll be back on tomorrow without having to do my Book of Eli imitation. (No, not that one!
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