With the advent of ACA aka Obamacare, many Americans are signing up for it online--or trying to. As a result, ACA has gained a new nickname: 404Care.
Meanwhile, as the government shutdown proceeds apace, WWII Honor Flight veterans--no fools they--defy the DC Park Police and ignore it. And the Park Police, apparently being no fools themselves, let them.
Thank You:
To Rusty at The Jawa Report for assisting in my project-funding!
UPDATE: Okay, I'm still shamelessly stealing from Ace, but this is just too perfect...especially considering my headline:
It’s just like conservatives always warned — ObamaCare is too popular and it’s overloading the servers.
— Matt Yglesias (@mattyglesias) October 1, 2013
On the HealthCare-dot-gov site, security question drop-downs don't work. (Yes, I am paranoid about dot-gov sites.)
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