Well. Would you look at that?
I still don’t believe that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. But please don’t react before considering my reasoning.
As most of my readers know, like Barack Obama, my biological father is Kenyan and my mother is American. Mom--no fan of the president’s, to be sure--does not believe that Barack Obama was born in Kenya either. Her reasoning makes sense.
Mom went to Germany as a young teen—she’s a military brat—and, as a result, is familiar with the international transport procedures of the 1950s and 1960s. (Coolness factor: she returned to the United States by sea.)
Additionally, Mom gave birth to me in the same month and year that Stanley Ann Obama gave birth to Barack Obama. Armed with intimate knowledge of travel and child-birth in the Dark Ages, Mom says that there is no way that Stanley Ann Obama could have given birth in what was then British East Africa, gotten papers, immunizations, etc. in order, and made it back to the other side of the world in time to apply for extension courses from the University of Washington (state) two weeks after her son was born.
Assuming that the details surrounding the president’s birth and his mother’s actions during that period are accurate (yes, I know), I don’t think the birthplace was a mistake by his literary agent as that agent claims.
It was a purposeful inclusion by the author. Roger Simon agrees and thinks that this issue is related to the MSM’s refusal to vet the president’s college transcripts.
Barack Obama has a history of dissembling—much of it designed to make himself look better than the average American, especially the average black American. It wasn’t enough for him that his father was Kenyan; he had to make himself even better by claiming to be born there. “Better?” I hear you ask. Yes, better, from the perspective of a person long-simmered in hatred of this country.
Allow me to give a little insight to the mindset. Often, when I mention that my biological father is Kenyan, people assume that I was born in Kenya as well, usually in the context that it is better to have been born somewhere other than in the United States. The assumption is an irritant for two reasons: 1) I am “proud” and grateful to have been born in the United States of America, and 2) If I had been born in Kenya, there would be no reason whatsoever to mention the birthplace of my father.
If Barack Obama did lie on his literary bio, did this bit of lying in the service of pride of self and hatred for this country back-fire on him? Can't say that it has. That bio has been in the public domain for all to see since 1991, but no entity of the mainstream media saw fit to present this very pertinent fact to the American voting public. Fancy that.
Then, again, what happens if he wasn’t lying?
Obama's MO is to be everything to everyone. Just read what he said about how he allowed all the factions to project themselves onto him, so they supported his bid for HLR president.
He's pro-gay-marriage and anti- AT THE SAME TIME.
He was born in Kenya and Hawai'i AT THE SAME TIME.
Never mind that it isn't possible to mere mortals such as us to do these things. Barack is a Lightworker. If it suits him to have also been born in five other places, he will retroactively be born in those places too.
Posted by: The Monster | May 18, 2012 at 08:14 AM
Very interesting perspective!
Posted by: baldilocks | May 18, 2012 at 08:17 AM
Of course, your point on his mother being unable to get back to Hawaii in time after his birth assumes that he was born not only where she says he was; but when she says he was. So. What happens if all concerned "fudged" a little bit on his date of birth? What happens, if for example, it was a month earlier than she reported?
Posted by: Mike Giles | May 18, 2012 at 12:04 PM
You tell me.
And just heard about a press conference he did in Trinidad where he says something about being born three months
afterbefore the Bay of Pigs incident. Bay of Pigs occurred in April 1961.Houston, we have a problem.
Posted by: baldilocks | May 18, 2012 at 12:35 PM
Mark Steyn nails it.
Liz Warren and Barack "Barry" Obama did the same thing, reinvent themselves to make themselves more appeal to Democrats. And the only reason we did not catch Obama doing it sooner is the press is backing him up.
Posted by: EBL | May 19, 2012 at 09:54 AM
Please put the Mormon guy in the white house so crazy whites can go back under their rock.If obumer was born in kenya why wont they impeach him.They wont because it is all loony nonsense by angry whites.
Posted by: shwnrob | May 19, 2012 at 10:28 PM
This is the first time I've heard Obama called an "angry white" but he has certainly been the author of a lot of loony nonsense, so it balances out.
Posted by: baldilocks | May 20, 2012 at 03:40 AM
I have written about this at my blog, The Diplomad. I am a big fan of yours, by the way. I think there were financial reasons for Obama to claim Kenyan birth and being a foreign student might have made him eligible for grants and scholarships to go to the very expensive schools he attended. It was fraud.
Posted by: The Diplomad 2.0 | May 20, 2012 at 08:28 PM
Yup, yup. Link to Human Events article with the quote, 5th paragraph down:
And this article was on foreign policy, so the author had no incentive to change the quote. Back then there wasn't much scrutiny of the fact that Obama got his own birthday wrong by over half a year.
Although I personally still think it's just common, everyday stupidity on Obama's part.
Posted by: Bill Reader | May 20, 2012 at 09:11 PM
Likewise a big fan of yours! Good to see you back in the saddle.
Posted by: baldilocks | May 21, 2012 at 06:16 AM
Hmm Who called Obummer a angry White.I called all these loony White birthers.Angry and crazy.Do you know what kind of background check a black person has to go through just to get a job as a dog catcher.You could imagine the rocks the secret service fbi turned over during Obummers background check for the most powerful man in the free world.If Obummer was really born outside the USA do you think they would have ever let America have the first black president I dont think so.
Posted by: shwnrob | May 21, 2012 at 01:52 PM
Read your comment at AOSHQ about getting a foothold in TEXAS. Get out of Kalifornia. Come on to Smith County in ETEX. I'll buy you a beer.
Posted by: EROWMER | May 21, 2012 at 06:01 PM