For all the liberals who were crying in the comments of the last post, here's some more delicious nugat-rich irony.
President Obama plans to appear on Comedy Central's "Daily Show" shortly before the midterm elections, a senior White House official tells CBS News, in what will be his first appearance on the show since becoming president.
The appearance will be on Wednesday October 27th. It comes shortly before both the November 2nd midterm elections as well as host Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity" on the National Mall on October 30th.
The president has been trying to rally the sort of young voters who watch Stewart's show to come out to vote in the midterm elections amid signs that they are less enthusiastic than they were two years ago. Democrats are trying to hold the House and Senate amid predictions of a potential wave election for Republicans, and among his campaign stops in the midterm cycle have been appearances at college campuses.
Jeeeeeebus, Stewart's not even sorta hiding his pathetic shill-job at this point.
Question for the audience: Does anybody think Barry's appearance on The Obama Super Ass-Kiss Love-In The Daily Show is going to be the hard-hitting tough-minded interview that Jon Stewart demands from the 'real' media? The guy bangs his rattle on his high chair whenever some clown in the MSM doesn't ask the correct progressive-minded questions. I'm guessing Stewart tosses Obama a few softballs during the President's campaign stop appearance.
For liberals, it's high time to just admit that their media hero is just another statist operative. I mean, really now, if leftists were honest they should be stoked. Their media man-crush is getting to hang out with their political dream-boat. Best of all, there's absolutely no chance Stewie will trouble St. Bamster with any icky right-of-center criticism or ideas.
It'll be just like 2008 again.
Tee hee! Keep sticking it to 'em, Shamus.
Posted by: baldilocks | October 19, 2010 at 10:35 PM
Thank you, Baldi. I appreciate it.
It's funny how much those left-o-trolls were whining about me poking fun at their hero. I must've hit close to the bone there.
Posted by: KingShamus | October 20, 2010 at 06:46 PM
1) He is just a comedian. He has stated this a number of times. The fact that we are all wondering if a comedian will take Obama to task says more about the impoverished state of mainstream journalism.
2) Granted the target of Stuart's mockery are usually from the right he has been extremely critical of Democrats and Obama quite a number of times.
3)While Stuart is occasionally "hard hitting" it is still pretty rare that he actually gives some a real butt kicking. It was obvious from watching Stuart's interview of Eric Cantor's that he could have easily destroyed him. While Stuart's questions (or debate rather) was pretty spirited it was still very respectful.
4) Despite Obama going on the Daily Show the Dem leadership is actually quite pissed that he would hold a national rally the weekend before the election. It does not take a genius to figure out why.
Posted by: Pete Petereson | October 21, 2010 at 10:27 PM
1) Nobody is just a comedian. He promotes a bias.
2) Ridicule is a lack of argument.
3) He probably would like to be taken seriously.
4) So he's not a genius. Thanks for pointing this out.
Posted by: ken anthony | October 25, 2010 at 03:20 PM
This is sad.
1)Why does a very mild difference of opinion/ attempt at civil discussion have to be characterized as "liberals crying" + "left-o-trolls.. whining"? This is an example of the hyperbolic language that makes trivial disagreements over issues turn into stupid contests over who can beat their chest the loudest.
2)Did you actually watch the interview? To Stuarts credit it was the most critical interview Obama has gotten the whole time he has been in office. The interview did not help Obama accomplish the purpose he was obviously on the Daily Show for; To activate disappointed Democratic base voters. He failed. Not because Stuart was mean or was out to get him but because he asked BO real questions about real things with follow questions. Obama was visibly frustrated with some of the critical questions and obviously put off by Stuart's lack of awe at his presence despite the audience being obviously packed with Obama supporters. While the interviewers political perspective is different than yours Obama did not come across very well in response to the questions. If you read some of the major mainstream left blogs the next day, such as the Huffpost you would have read a lot of criticism of Obama that echoed some Stuarts questions and or Obama poor responses.
Posted by: John Johnson | October 30, 2010 at 10:32 AM