After you give your life to God, when He commands you to stand, you have no choice.
--Glenn Beck
It was a joy and a privilege to watch Glenn Beck, Marcus Lutrell, Alveda King, Bishop Harry Jackson, and hundreds of thousands of others as they stood to remind the government that our rights are a free gift from God and that no man or government of men may insert its being in between that providential connection. Like all who love liberty, I would have found it a blessing to have attended, but other responsibilities took precedence.
However, during my morning reading and prayer, it “occurred” to me—again--to ask God what His will is for my life. I wanted to know what I was or wasn’t doing that is against His will. Was there something I needed to do more of? Had I failed to say ‘how high’ when God told me to jump? Every person still breathing has an assigned mission, whether it be great or small.
After admitting publically that I had had an abortion, I received many compliments for my courage and honesty, but I felt neither courageous nor particularly honest. It wasn’t false humility; it was simply a feeling that there was more—as if there was something else I needed to face. And there was.
The accolades I received for that admission were watered down by a very sobering state of affairs in my life. The one person from whom I needed love and support has, because of my confession, repeatedly ridiculed me for it--seeming to want to induce shame in me for being so public. The irony contained therein is that, prior to my admission, I had avoided blogging about abortion due to the shame I had felt for doing away with my own child. Admitting it publicly was an attempt to free myself from that shame and it was done in the hope that at least one young woman reading would realize that she did not have to be the fool that I had been.
Abortion was my greatest shame and, though my eternal guilt has been washed away by the acceptance of Jesus Christ as my Savior, its earthly effects have been extremely painful, spiritually and emotionally—the consciousness of sin and the regret at committing a form of suicide.
The interesting part is this: when God opens your eyes, your spiritual vision is 20-20. The person who wants me to feel shame for my admission once claimed to love me. But, my being continues to be shaped by God and when He says, “Stand,” I have no choice. And what I’ve had to face is this: anyone who would ridicule me and attempt to provoke shame from me for my obedience to the Lord cannot possibly love me.
Even more interesting is the realization that when you are doing what you know is morally correct in the sight of God—when you take a stand in the name of Jesus Christ—any chastisement you receive is an indication that you are on the right path. Additionally, the source of that chastisement will give you a clear window into the soul of that source. Be sure to pray for that soul, however.
In Glenn Beck’s decidedly pastoral address on the Mall in Washington, DC, the emphasis was on Restoring Honor. The primary recipient of our honor as individual human beings is to God and is simply outlined in Mark 12:30-31; each human being is commanded to love God with an entire heart, and with full mental power and to love one’s neighbor as self. Love is the variant of honor that should constantly pour from our being—the highest type of honor.
For the longest time, I did not understand what it meant to love God, this incorporeal being. But how does one love a sentient earthly being? We communicate. We talk to that person and, most importantly, we listen to them and when we do this, we trust that the communication consists of truth—we extend good faith to our beloved. (And we show love by rejoicing in our beloved’s happiness and comforting him in his pain. And we never, never, never ridicule our beloved when he reveals his soul.)
With God, loving Him has an extra component, of course. Since He’s omnipotent and omniscient, we show our love to Him by doing what He commands and trusting that the commandments of a loving God are meant for good. We extend to God the ultimate in Good Faith.
After talking to Him (praying in the name of Jesus Christ) and listening to Him (reading the Word), we do what He puts in our hearts, in spite of any earthly consequences. We take a stand.
So my eyes are open and my vision is clear. I will continue to stand for the unborn and the murdered.
And I will remember that true love is (Holy) spiritual.
UPDATE: Though the story seems sad, I feel set free; very happy and peaceful. Peace is what I prayed for. It's a great birthday gift.
Thank you, Juliette. Sobering & thought-provoking. God bless you for sharing this part of yourself.
Posted by: Debbie | August 29, 2010 at 10:11 PM
God Bless You. May God continue to give you healing and peace. Someday, God willing, you and your child will be reunited and all will be well as you both partake in the Divine Nature of God in eternity.
Posted by: Joe B. | August 30, 2010 at 09:49 AM
You've given us a great piece of writing, full of hard truths and soulfullness. I am sure some of that was quite painful, but your words are full of wisdom.
Bless you, Juliette.
Posted by: KingShamus | August 30, 2010 at 10:11 AM
It's dark in here and I'm lost!!! Help me !!!
baldilocks sez: I will help, Steve. Try this: pull your head out of your fourth point of contact.
Posted by: uptownsteve | August 30, 2010 at 12:26 PM
Here I am, late at the show again! ;)
While I still carry a healthy sense of skepticism with respect to Glenn Beck, Juliette (as she often does) touched me with her insight.
In this case, I focused on the word "stand," whereupon I then focused on Sly Stone's Stand!.
But there's another connection I found via google; Rascal Flatts Stand video.
While the lyrics are not explicitly Christian, I think they fulfill the spirit, if not the word. I especially note the last 60 seconds of the video, wherein we see inscribed the virtues: Passion, Determination, Courage, Grace, Desire, and Expression. In this case one might interpret Desire as Passion for Excellence.
The chorus for the song?
That last sounds like you, mi amiga. ;)
Posted by: Casey | September 04, 2010 at 11:18 PM