From American Thinker:
The proper purpose of law is to use the power of its collective force to stop this tendency to plunder instead of work. The law should protect property and punish plunder. The law, whether made by one man or one group of men, operates with the sanction and support of a dominating force, and this force must be entrusted to those who make the laws. Legal plunder occurs when the law takes from one person and gives to another. The law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime. If such a law is not abolished, it will spread, multiply, and develop into a system.
Have you noticed that there are some people—many people--who have no concept of time?No, I’m not referring to the chronically tardy, though I do suspect that many of them fall into the categories of which I’m about to outline.
Those to whom I’m referring do not have a concept of the following; they are
- Unable to consider individual events from the past as anything but singular and isolated occurrences, e.g. unable to connect those events with each other and—further--with contemporaneous, on-going events,
- Unable to use known, available and pertinent information/ideas to analyze the sum (or, to use a better mathematical term, the product) of events in order to come to a plausible conclusion as to what is going, and
- Unable to take that conclusion and reasonably project what may happen in the future.
The ability to do this is called strategic thinking—the ability to recognize patterns and figure out what is true and what is false.Most of the time, this inability has nothing to do with IQ and can be selective and temporary.I believe that, in the latter two types of cases, the inability is due to a syndrome to which almost all of us are prone: wishful-thinking.
Many do not want to or cannot put together the events which have lead this country to its present state, much less come to a reasonable conclusion. However, I don't fall into either category. Believe me, sometimes I wish I did.
But the more I learn about the history of the twentieth century, the more I consider it against what is known about human nature, the more I observe the state in which this country finds itself in at present--the more I believe that the peril anticipated by all too many observers, was planned by the Left.
Forget about Obama for few minutes.Oh, I’ll get to him but put him aside for a few paragraphs. Keep in mind that when I discuss the facts of history, I’m merely listing them and not laying any foundation for justification of anger or vengeance.
Take everything we know about the history of Americans of African descent piece by piece.Our West African ancestors were sold into American slavery—mostly at the behest of other black Africans.Upon arrival in America, they were forbidden under pain of death, to speak their native languages or use the names with which they had been born. Unlike all other immigrants to America, the African slave was forcibly cut off from these vestiges of the Old Country--essentially the slave became a new creation.The American descendant of American slaves is, thus, wholly and deeply American.
Immediately after slavery, the American of African descent began to rise politically and economically.But every time he did, some form of government saw fit to knock him back down.Whether it was the federal government (Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896) or local governments (various Black Codes/Jim Crow laws), governments saw fit to keep the descendants of American slaves from rising too high.The beginning of the end of legislated oppression was the overturning of Plessy by Brown v. Board of Education, 1954.
So Americans who were black and who existed before the Civil Rights Era had a legitimate beef against the American government.However, let me spell out the specifics of the beef.
America was founded in name of freedom for all mankind (bugger the PC language; we know that “mankind” means all humans).That all men—and women--were not free in America at the time of the Founding is irrelevant—the Founders set forth an objective standard for American posterity to aspire to and they spelled out from Whom freedom is conferred and that no entity—man or government--may insert itself between the Giver of Freedom and the recipients.
The Founders laid a cornerstone—a founding strategy--for all future Americans to follow. Certainly one may argue that successive American leaders and individuals have not diligently followed that template—at best, the success rate has been 50-50. The success rate does not, however, speak to the quality of that template; it only speaks to the quality of human beings and all human-engendered entities.Individuals often fail to meet their own personal standards.(“For all have sinned and fallen short of…”) Why should a country be any different? It does not follow, however, that the standard should be discarded.
For much of its existence, the United States of America did not live up to her stated standard with respect to her citizens--her People--who are black. Before the Information age (the Television Age) it was relatively easy for most of America's other People to ignore the state in which her black People existed. But by the time Dr. Martin Luther King and others asked his countrymen to remember the vision of the Founders, the Television Age was in full bloom. America's other People saw, remembered and did what was right. And, more rapidly than can be imagined; in less time than my almost fifty years, things changed.
Since the founding, America has been beset by those who did not understand the Founding Principles, did not know about them or—most pertinently—those who see freedom for all Americans as a threat to their power.The latter have included former colonial powers, domestic federal benches and, sometimes, presidents of the United States. But, most often, this number has included more strategic thinkers—long-term planners with concrete goals. Such are the organized Left of the last hundred years. Leftists seeks to hinder all forms of freedom and seeks to do so via government.
Therefore, even though Jim Crow laws and Northern segregation-by-legislation are considered Right-wing/conservative by sloppy thinkers, they were prime examples of the crystallization of Leftist ideology.
It is no accident that, when the Civil Rights Movement began to achieve success in garnering true freedom for Americans who are black, many of the governmental programs designed to “help” black Americans were implemented.What such programs and policies have actually done:almost succeeded in destroying the black family, created a sense of endless entitlement and stoked continued resentment among blacks for any group that is perceived to have any social and/or economic advantage over them.
This Leftist-indoctrinated mindset--very efficiently put forth by the NEA-controlled public education systems--has created the notion in black Americans that government can and should take the place of family; that dependence on government is our right. And it has inculcated the twin notions that any white American who wants his fellow citizen who are black to be free from government is a racist and that any black American who wants to be free from government is a self-hating Uncle Tom (sic)/Aunt Jemima and is a traitor to all "real" blacks. ( I call it the 'New Slavery' because it has produced emotional and intellectual vassals, unable to step outside of predetermined mental boundaries.)
Thus do even black Americans with everything going for them—talent, drive and extraordinary opportunity--believe that white people still have a boot on their necks and believe that they are entitled to vengeance.Thus does the first black American Attorney General of the United States babble about white Americans being a nation of cowards with regard to discussions of race and within the space of months officially excuse a blatantly, well-documented violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by members of the New Black Panther Party.
And it should be no surprise that the same political party which has overtly and covertly hindered the freedom of black Americans for a good 150 years has become the official platform for the New Slavery. The difference in the 21st century: the Slave Masters are ready to branch out “business”--to include all Americans, regardless of race or color.
The repeated stoking of racial anger and vengeance is a tool—a tactic--of the organized Left. Leftists seek to divide groups and stir up anger and, ultimately, violence--so that a leftist-controlled government can come in and crack down on all freedoms in the name of order and set into overdrive their well-laid plans to fundamentally transform the United States of America into the Socialist Utopia of Karl Marx's vision. (To be continued; re-edited for typos)
NEXT: The Herding, Part Two
Government, or rather people, used the laws put in place by people of the government, to enslave Blacks and to "legally" retard the freedom of Blacks. So, when people used the laws of the government and used the structure set up by the government to strike down laws put in place to enslave Blacks and/or retard the freedom of Blacks, that was and is seen as people working against the government. However, when the government sent government representatives, for all to see on the network news, to help break that bondage, that is a powerful image, like it or not.
But you ignore many Black leftists who fight government and make strong commentary against the government, including federal government, as it pertains to their worldview of Blacks position in the U.S.
Complicity of the U.S. concerning drug importation ( Vietnam and CIA ignoring drug running by operatives ), the F.B.I. ignoring the murders by gang informants, federal government representatives harming Black farmers, Tuskegee, military LSD experiments (tied to the drug importation usually), CONINTELPRO, alleged targeting of Black politicians, etc.
Then the same people discussing "government abuse" at the local level such as police harassment, police NOT policing troubled areas, politicians actively working to place dumps or other environmental waste in poor Black areas, urban renewal being urban removal, etc.
I'd say there is a bi-polar view of local and federal government that really is clear to see if one takes the time.
From my view, the "older Black Right", for the most part, willfully ignores this bi-polarity. I think the "younger Black Right" sees this bi-polarity and are taking a more diverse approach to putting ideas out there.
Posted by: negronova | July 29, 2010 at 03:09 PM