In the wake of the al Qaeda terror attack in Uganda, the Obama Administration states, for the record that:
...U.S. intelligence has indicated that al Qaeda leadership specifically targets and recruits black Africans to become suicide bombers because they believe that poor economic and social conditions make them more susceptible to recruitment than Arabs," the [Obama Administration ] official said. "Al Qaeda recruits have said that al Qaeda is racist against black members from West Africa because they are only used in lower level operations."
By now, however, anyone who has been close observing what this administration says and does knows that nothing can be taken at face value--especially a statement which should produce a "duh" in the minds of anyone who is familiar with Islam's history in Africa.
So, what to make of such an unneeded statement? Here's what.
Most recently, the online commentariat on the Right has been abuzz about the NAACP and its formal statement condemning the Tea Party movement for its alleged racism against blacks (more about that in a later post).
So, when President Obama calls al Qaeda terrorists racist (true, but who cares? dead is dead) and his minions in the NAACP call the Tea Party movement racist (untrue), they are attempting to plant seeds in the minds of the uninformed and still evaluating.
They are attempting to paint the Tea Party movement as a terrorist movement in the arena of public opinion. Sissy Willis comes to the same conclusion before I do.
And if the attempt is strategically successful, the president will attempt to make the designation public policy.
Condemning 'racist elements in" vs. condemning the Tea Party as racist are 2 different things.
Which is the NAACP doing? The former.
The NAACP is irrelevant to the lives of Black Americans and most Black Americans will acknowledge it and will acknowledge the NAACP needs to change or they will die.
The NAACP has had a declining membership for at least 20 years. They admit it.
Public Black conservative pundits know this information yet continue to place them up as the Boggie Man "helping hold Black people back" and continuing to ignore the advances that they claim the NAACP ignores.
There's a lot of race hustling going on from public Black conservatives.
So what's the difference when they do it or Sharpton or Jackson?
Posted by: negronova | July 15, 2010 at 03:40 AM
Terrorists=Al-Qaeda=Racist=Tea Party=Terrorists.
If it is allowed to stick, Obama will have pulled off an absoluely brilliant (and brilliantly twisted) smear against vast chunks of American society.
You ever get the feeling Barry really doesn't like us?
Posted by: KingShamus | July 15, 2010 at 05:30 AM