Here are the ornaments on this year's White House "Christ"mas tree:
First there's a picture of Mao Claus,
then one of Tranny Claus (Hedda Lettuce),
and of course the White House "Christ"mas tree wouldn't be complete without a photo of Obama Claus on Mount Rushmore.
So how far do you think they are going to go with this sort of crap?
(Thanks to Big Government)
UPDATE: Mo betta title courtesy of guest of Ace's.
The sad thing is that a sane person would have a concept of what is and is not appropriate for national consumption. The White House is full of people who are not, by this definition, sane. I can't help but think that either Obama doesn't know any sane people to work in the White House, or that he just can't tell the difference, which would mean that he was also insane.
If I were to have done a parody of what I expected on the White House Christmas tree, I could not have topped this. It is beyond parody.
Posted by: Everlasting Phelps | December 22, 2009 at 10:24 PM
If I remember the story correctly, I think some of these at least were the ones send to schoolkids supposedly all over the country.
They were just plain and blank,and kids given the instruction to decorate them for the White House tree.
Looks like the teachers had at least a little bit of input into what was done. I seriously doubt that too many gradeschoolers are that into Mao and TrannyClaus, especially this time of year.
Posted by: JamesLee | December 23, 2009 at 10:34 AM
That must be an Alinsky tree. One of the ways to undermine your enemy (that would be us conservative Americans) is to infuriate them. This is a juvenile attempt to do that. It has the smell of a middle school prank.
President Stinky thinks he has been very hip and clever in flipping the bird at flyover America in this way. It really showcases his arrogance and lack of class, though. Would have been kind of nice if all of those years of holding down a pew in Rev. Wright's church had at least given him some respect for his alleged religion.
Posted by: Kwongdzu | December 23, 2009 at 09:53 PM
"President Stinky"?
Show some class.
And if they did send out plain ornaments to be decorated by kids, they probably sent out far more than the tree could hold.
That way they could pick the ones they liked the best and put them up. And not worry about late deliveries, godawful design, or lack of interest.
Posted by: | December 24, 2009 at 06:40 AM
I was just reflecting on the level of "class" being displayed by the White House. As the visible leader of this country, he should have the discipline and decency to observe a higher standard of decorum. It is unseemly for a president to put ornaments that are intentionally designed to offend Christians on a Christmas tree.
How old are you, anyway? The minister of the Presbyterian church our family attended when I was a child was a refugee from China. Our family knew the minister and his wife well, since my mother was very involved in the church and since the minister's wife gave piano lessons out of her house. These people lived in worry about the friends and family they left behind in Mao's China. Their only child, a grown son who was also Christian, had stayed behind. They would read and reread the letters they got from home.
The reverend's wife wanted to treat us as grandchildren. She wanted us to call her "Grandma". In retrospect, I feel very bad about it because at the time I didn't want an extra grandmother (especially one who made me drink carrot juice and practice playing the piano!) and I strenuously objected. As an adult, I realize that this woman may very well have lost out on the joy of having grandkids and I understand now why my mom pressured us to accept her (somewhat smothering) affection graciously. I wonder whatever became of her son and if they were ever reunited.
When I saw the Mao ornament on the Blue Room Christmas tree, it occurred to me that nothing could be more offensive to people who escaped his persecution and became naturalized Americans. I doubt whether these two people are still alive to see this, but it is not out of the realm of possibility. Certainly refugees of their son's age (and younger) would be, however. I don't imagine they would show their displeasure by demonstrating or making a public remonstrance. But ask yourself, please - what is gained by being "edgy" and "controversial" in this manner? What is gained by desecrating a holiday symbol?
Posted by: Kwongdzu | December 24, 2009 at 09:58 AM