I see no reports of them marching in front of the Russian Embassy in DC.
No Code: PINK.
Antiwar.com talks about the Russia-Georgia conflict, but only to criticize the actions of the Bush Administration and hint that the war isn't "all Russia's fault."
What gives?
UPDATE: Surely the anti-warriors will be up-in-arms (so to speak) about this!
TBILISI, Georgia - Russia ordered a halt to the war in Georgia on Tuesday, after five days of air and land attacks that sent Georgia's army into headlong retreat and left towns, military bases and homes in the U.S. ally smoldering. Georgia insisted that Russian forces were still bombing and shelling.Because War is Not the Answer!!!!Despite the televised order by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Russia launched an offensive Tuesday in the Kodori Gorge, the only part of the breakaway region of Abkhazia still under Georgian control, sending in tanks, armored personnel carriers and artillery.
I think your confused Baldi; We US citizens who opposed the historic Republican blunder in Iraq do not pay taxes, vote in or have birth certificates in Russia. We however do pay taxes, vote, etc in the US. As such I have no reasonable way to effect what Russia does. I especially don't think anyone in the world can take Bush seriously when he lecture Russia about invading a country on BS pretenses. I for one wish Bush had done the job right in Afganistan and I think many of those who knew there were no WMDs in Iraq feel the same way.
Posted by: me | August 12, 2008 at 02:42 PM
I thought there was a period at the end of the anti-warrior slogan "War is Not the Answer." Perhaps they were being intentionally misleading. No surprise there.
Might I suggest the following? "War is Not the Answer if Americans Are doing the Fighting And We Don't Really Care About Other Human Beings; We Were Just Pretending To Care About Iraqis."
Posted by: baldilocks | August 12, 2008 at 05:11 PM
You knew there were no WMDs in Iraq, eh? LOL
Posted by: baldilocks | August 12, 2008 at 05:12 PM
You're not helping your case "me".
At this point you're saying that it's ok for all other countries besides the US to go to war. You could have said something against Russia invading Georgia, but you didn't. Even when the pixels are free you didn't lift a finger.
Don't even try to argue your case by effectiveness or extent of your influence. Because we're still in Iraq, Afghanistan, and perhaps soon Iran.
Posted by: ErikZ | August 12, 2008 at 05:36 PM
Erik said:
"At this point you're saying that it's ok for all other countries besides the US to go to war"
Where on earth did I say that? Please site the text where you think I communicated that. The gist of my initial post was that there is not a whole lot anyone as a private US citizen can do to influence Russian military behavior. This is why having a government lead by a respected and competent executive is so important. i.e. Large countries with serious international influence can not be ignored so easily. Unfortunately you folks chose Bush and his incompetence has dramatically diminished US influence. Hence no one, outside of Iraq, seems to be all that concerned about what the US has to say these days.
Many people who were against the invasion of Iraq, such as myself, are not against using the military option. What many people continue to have a problem with is that all the reasons for invading Iraq were complete crap and it was obvious before it started. Just look at how the reasons for being in Iraq change every time the last justification gets thoroughly debunked.
Baldi re: "..Iraq, eh? LOL"
Yes many people knew there were no WMD's. As far as myself I had been following the ins and out of the Iraq inspections leading up to the invasions courtesy of Main stream European media and had read the PNAC Iraq invasion manifesto. Everything the Iraq inspectors said regarding WMD's before the Historic Republican Blunder turned out to be absolutely true.
Posted by: me | August 12, 2008 at 07:47 PM
Hey friend, just remember that sieg heil Putin has made the point that he will send Soviet (oops Russian) bombers back to Cuba. If this intellectual leftover of Stalin war crimes tries such a trick, may I recommend that he consider what he tells the families of those bomber crews who will not be returning to Russia any time soon. Think about it friend!!
Posted by: mescalero | August 12, 2008 at 08:48 PM
Umm we found like 500 tons of yellowcake in Iraq just a couple of months ago, didn't we? And it got shipped to Canada for proper disposal..but yeah, Saddam wasn't doing anything bad, and let's all join hands and blame Bush...
As John Lennon said, "Whatever gets you through the night.."
Posted by: baxtrice | August 12, 2008 at 09:50 PM
500 tons? Umm like really? Wow who knew 500 tons existed in the whole world let alone all in one place. You have a link to a legitimate news source for this eyeopening revelation or is the MSM trying to hide this one from us too?
Posted by: me | August 12, 2008 at 10:14 PM
Yo, me -- the link was at Yahoo, Hot Air, and some other places. I didn't save it or anything but you can certainly find it through a little search engine-ing.
And dude, chill. Trolling must be stressful. Catch ya on the flipside.
Baldi, you still rock.
Posted by: baxtrice | August 12, 2008 at 10:21 PM
RE: me -- here ya go, a link to back up my statement.
All better?
Posted by: baxtrice | August 12, 2008 at 10:32 PM
"Wow who knew 500 tons existed in the whole world let alone all in one place."
Evidently not "Main stream European media," otherwise you'd have been up to speed.
Posted by: notropis | August 12, 2008 at 11:53 PM
You mean this yellowcake that was sent to Canada that I just read about from
my favorite excerpts from that were:
"Israeli warplanes bombed a reactor project at the site in 1981. Later, U.N. inspectors documented and safeguarded the yellowcake, which had been stored in aging drums and containers since before the 1991 Gulf War. There was no evidence of any yellowcake dating from after 1991, the official said."
and also
"While yellowcake alone is not considered potent enough for a so-called "dirty bomb"..."
As I said inspections....
FYI folks yellowcake is not WMD. We invaded Iraq because we were going to find the WMD's.
Posted by: me | August 13, 2008 at 09:00 AM
No. We invaded Iraq because it continued to defy binding UN resolutions. We also believed that the country had WMD and/or precursors, as did many intelligence agencies around the world.
Even the UN inspectors believed Hussein was hiding WMD because he couldn't account for large quantities of nerve agent that the they already knew about.
Posted by: AME | August 13, 2008 at 03:49 PM
Why should people march in front of the Russian Embassy, when it was Georgia who started this thing, with the aid of 7 years of "advisorship and weapons transfers from Israel" (both of which continue to this day, Aug 14, 2008), and US Mil advisors, 500. So how did the "Russians" know EXACTLY where commos from Ft. Bliss had installed a mass of IT equip in Georgia? Could it be that we bombed the $hit out of our own equip, a la false flag, the only way ANY war has started in the past 120 years????
And no, AME, UN inspectors did NOT think Iraq was hiding WMDs. They, like the IAEA, had ruled them out. get a frickin' clue, people.
Why would Iraq have wanted yellow cake from elsewhere (ref: the mossad's fake documents passed thru and from Italy) when they had and HAVE tons of the stuff naturally within their borders? Get a frickin' clue, people.
Holy cripes, this country is in trouble. Reading this and other blogs and seeing how godamned sucked in 98 percent of people are with what "the news says." The news, newspapers, radio, TV, main-stream-news' organizations' websites, are all bought and paid for. How else can they have been SOOOO godamned wrong on so many things the past several decades, yet the past decades, bloggers (present blog excluded) have been spot on with what's what?
Ne znaio puchemu, aber wir sind gefickt worden!!!
Posted by: Kenyatta | August 14, 2008 at 05:01 PM
And no, AME, UN inspectors did NOT think Iraq was hiding WMDs. They, like the IAEA, had ruled them out.
Official statements by the UN and IAEA after 2004 ruled them out. I can't find any statements from before the invasion that did so. The statements that I can find from before 2004 mostly lamented that Baghdad was not allowing the inspectors unfettered access as had been agreed. (Although I admit that my research was brief and probably incomplete.)
For example, in February, 2004, IAEA weapons inspector David Kay, concluding that there were no WMD or related programs in Iraq: "We were all wrong." (He followed that statement by saying that, no, one group was right on: the UN inspectors. But he quotes a UN inspector who states that they didn't find anything and leaves off the part where that inspector said that Iraq was not fully cooperative.)
In 2002, however, Hans Blix was pointing out that Baghdad had not adequately accounted for missing chemical warfare agents. "The production of mustard gas is not like marmalade. You have to keep some records."
Posted by: AME | August 14, 2008 at 11:47 PM
"...As such I have no reasonable way to effect what Russia does..."
Rather disingenuous, I'd say. Remember that many of your "human shield" buddies came from places other than the U.S., but they didn't seem to have any issue with attempting to influence American policy. Where are they now? Seems they only appear to stop American military action. China vs. Tibet, Sudan vs. Darfur region, Burmese regime vs. its own people, Mugabe vs. his own people, and now Russia vs. Georgia: where were your friends chanting "give peace a chance" when these authoritarian regimes/dictators used military force and/or brutal police state tactics to crush opposition? I'm not talking about some "human rights" group reading a communique on how "disappointed" it is in the actions of one of these thugs. Talk is cheap. I'm talking about concrete actions, putting your money where your mouth is, and all that. Cite one example, Me. Just one. Or is it that you and your compadres believe it's only the U.S. that has to be stopped, not the dictatorships of the world? That by itself speaks volumes.
Posted by: waltj | August 17, 2008 at 02:50 AM
If "war is not the answer," Code Pink and their fellow-travellers are stupendously hypocritical.
But I think we knew that anyway.
It's not war that they have a problem with. It's any use of force by the US.
Putin? Well, he's not worth protesting.
Posted by: qrstuv | August 17, 2008 at 09:34 AM