• Chris Muir's Day by Day needs your assistance. I don't think that the pay-off it too obscure.
• La Shawn Barber, who did a great deal of work to chronicle the Duke Lacrosse Saga, notes that Crystal Mangum—the woman who falsely accused three Duke University lacrosse players of raping her—has a book coming out on October 1. My comment: it seems that everyone involved in that case has paid for Mangum’s lies except Mangum herself.
• The Donovan does the DNC by proxy: Different women, same politics.
• Mocking the Left: Who better to identify the art of Bravo Sierra than a former Soviet agitprop pooper? And it most certainly is art.
• What is it with Obama fans and Classic Star Trek imagery? (See the other example here.) VDH isn’t laughing.
• Amanda Carpenter posts three lecture videos featuring a Khalid al Mansour—an apparent adherent to the Nation of Islam creed. But is he the same Khalid al Mansour who civil rights icon Percy Sutton says helped Barack Obama get into Harvard Law School? Richard Fernandez investigates.
• And Matty O’Blackfive, Jimbo, Marc Danziger, NZ Bear and Mary Katharine Ham visit that deep, dark place that is the HQ and genesis of every Right-Wing Plot--Blackwater—and they don’t invite me.
I lost all my favorites when my computer crashed. Thanks for the remind, I have been missing The Peoples Cube, good stuff!
Posted by: abinitioadinfinitum | August 27, 2008 at 12:12 PM
Thank you so much!!!
Posted by: chris muir | August 27, 2008 at 02:02 PM
Happy Birthday Baldilocks!
Posted by: abinitioadinfinitum | August 28, 2008 at 08:41 AM
Oblabla's Greek temple is actually a replica of a Russian cathedral. Hm.
VDH thinks his handlers think overblown glitz will work in Middle America. Perhaps they think people will think, "Gee, if only 1/10 of that hubris is justified ... "
Posted by: Brian H | August 28, 2008 at 05:12 PM