BEIJING - Lopez Lomong, aThanks, Lopez, for reminding us of how blessed we Americans are.
former Lost Boy of Sudan who spent a decade in a Kenyan refugee camp before coming to America, will carry the United States flag during Friday's opening ceremonies in Bird's Nest Stadium."This is the most exciting day of my life," said the 23-year-old runner, who will compete in the 1,500 meters. "It's a great honor that my teammates chose to vote for me. The opening ceremony is the best day and the best moment of Olympic life.
"I'm here as an ambassador of my country and I will do everything I can to represent my country well."
Lomong, who fled Sudan at age 6 and was separated from his family, was sent to America after officials read his letter describing what it would mean for him to live there, and resided with a foster family in Tully, N.Y. He became a citizen a year ago last month and made the team by finishing third at the June trials. [SNIP]
"This is another amazing step for me in celebrating being an American."
(Via Newser)
I agree. Saw his story on an immigration blog I read and thought it was simply awesome.
I'm surprised at how much I'm looking forward to the Games this year.
Posted by: Gabriel Malor | August 07, 2008 at 12:43 PM
This young man has lost so much -- his family, his childhood, his native homeland -- and yet strived for so much. He's faught to win freedom, a foster family, education, and citizenship in a new country.
On his web site, Mr. Lomong states "As athletes, we need to send the message to the government not to kill or bomb and to China to stop because those guns are not to defend the country, but to kill innocent people. This is the 21st century. We don't want kids growing up in refugee camps like I did.”
China has revoked the travel visa of Darfur activist and former Olympic gold medalist Joey Cheeks. Let's hope that Mr. Lomong and other athletes who compete in Beijing will speak out against Chinese support of genocide in Darfur.
God bless you, Lopez Lomong! You GO!
Posted by: Mary in CO | August 07, 2008 at 04:36 PM
God Bless Lopez Lomong. Someone who knows what real hardship is can appreciate the USA more than some folks who were born and raised here. We need more immigrants like Mr. Lomong.
Posted by: woodie4827 | August 07, 2008 at 04:53 PM
A great story and I'll try to find out when he carries the flag in and runs his races.
But I won't be watching most of the Olympics: I won't support the Chinese government, nor the amount of doping going on these days in the premier events. I frankly hope the Games are a massive financial failure for China.
Posted by: Mike O | August 07, 2008 at 07:34 PM
I wonder if you could get guys like this athlete to do public service ads in favor of legal immigration. To encourage people to go through the legal channels rather than undermining them. High-profile, successful legal immigrants who are positive role models, you know.
Posted by: PeggyU | August 08, 2008 at 08:58 AM
He looked so excited and happy carrying the flag. I love moments (and stories) like this!
Posted by: IronMike | August 10, 2008 at 08:45 PM
A guy like Lopez makes me proud to be an American!
Posted by: Cappy | August 11, 2008 at 05:06 PM