Watching the press conference, taking place in Tblisi, featuring US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Georgian President Mikhiel Saakashvili. The president is formidable and eloquent in making his case against Russia.
More later. I have yet more duties this morning, however brief.
"With the signature of the Georgian president on the cease-fire accord, all Russian troops and any irregular and paramilitary forces that entered with them must leave (Georgia) immediately," Condoleezza Rice said Friday during a news conference in Tbilisi with Saakashvili. [SNIP]The description 'emotional' doesn't begin to cover the Georgian president's answers this morning.At times speaking emotionally, Saakashvili emphasized the document he signed was "a cease-fire agreement, not a final settlement," stressing that his country would rebuild.
"We are under Russian invasion and Russian occupation right now," he said. "I want the world to know that Georgia never, ever will reconcile with ... occupation."
Georgia has signed the agreement. Now it's on Russia. The thing is this, however: Russia and her parent, the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics, and notorious for breaking/ignoring agreements, cease-fires and settlements alike.
UPDATE: A Russian armored Column is located 15 miles outside of Tbilisi. On the move?
Ah, but everybody who connected this invasion with a Russian message delivered to the world, particularly former Soviet states who have gotten too comfy with the West, well, they were just "alarmists."
Expect McCain to become even more engaged in the dialogue, given his relationship with Mikhiel Saakashvili
Posted by: Khaki Elephant | August 15, 2008 at 09:53 PM
Of COURSE the Russkies will pull out before the snow falls in the Caucasus, otherwise they will be dead meat come springtime. Even with their new oil wealth they won't be able to supply their army through those mountains once the snow falls.
And, being Russians, I doubt they'll be able to keep their machinery going for very long.
Russians can break an anvil with a feather duster.
Posted by: Peter | August 15, 2008 at 10:11 PM
Right now they're too busy destroying villages and setting forest fires to think about withdrawal. But, as Poland and then Ukraine have agreed to take our anti-missile batteries, perhaps the Bear will think twice about staying too long. Meanwhile, Smokey he ain't.
Posted by: Dick Stanley | August 17, 2008 at 02:21 PM