Bloggy version.
• Criticism for the National Black Republican Association for the 'Racist Democrats' ad from Harry R. Jackson Jr. at Townhall (via Hip Hop Republican).
Help me compile a full list of Obama’s flip-flops.Neo-neocon says that it doesn't matter.Leave a comment fully documenting one or more flip-flops. Links are critical.
His only deep commitment is to becoming President, and that he has not compromised.• Get out of Africa or it will perish...instructions for the UN.
Climate change? Bullsh*t. The UN is killing Africa by coddling butchers like Mugabe and hyping a “problem” that we barely understand. What’s worse, [UN Secretary-General Ban-ki] Moon wants the wealthiest nations in the world, which are in the best position to help Africa, to demolish their economies to “solve” the problem. That’s beyond ignorant. It’s reckless.Preach it.
• So what does it indicate if a black person doesn't like watermelon? Wait. Forget I asked. (Via Instapundit)
• Why your love for America isn't like your love for your Mother.
American patriotism is fundamentally of a different class than all other patriotisms, because [...] it is not founded on a place, nor on a heritage, but on a set of ideas, to which any may freely subscribe.If true, then the patriotism of some can indeed be questioned.
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