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I wasn’t going to post today--I need to work on a couple of projects--however, when I took a break, I couldn't help but notice that our friends at Hot Air have taken it upon themselves to publicize the difficulties suffered by minorities in this country.
First they note the plight of Fugly Americans:
This morning, Imus discussed the case of Adam “Pac-Man” Jones, the NFL player that sat out 2007 with disciplinary suspensions and has been arrested a half-dozen times since being drafted the previous year. While Imus’ news announcer talks about Jones’ desire to drop his nickname — it’s too “negative” now — Imus startled him with a question:Then there are Imbecile Americans (pdf; apparently Imus qualifies in this category as well):“Imus: ‘What color is he?’
A: ‘He’s African American [sic].’
Imus: ‘Well there you go… now we know.’”
21% of atheists believe in GodAll kidding aside, someone in HA’s Imus thread laments ad infinitum that white Americans are bound to unofficial Politically Correct speech laws to which their black fellow citizens are not. I’m sorry but I’m less that sympathetic to that particular complaint.
See, when a group of people—conservatives--all but abandons its principles and allows a group with opposing principles to make the rules, this is what you get. As a result, when an Imus insults black women for the "sin" of not being attractive in his eyes and does so using racial language, he will get fired. Conversely, no one will turn a hair when terms like “white trash” or “redneck” are thrown around publicly in serious discussions. (Interestingly enough, these same rules allow for the same Imus—a Democrat supporter of Obama and friend of the MSM-approved "black leader," Al Sharpton—to get his job back and re-offend.)
Sorry but if you allow the Lefties to base “the rules” on the shifty sands of relative truth, don’t be surprised when you come out the loser.
Stop whining and man up.
I won't be on tomorrow until the evening, Pacific time.
UPDATE: Oh spare us the coddling of our bad-actors and nutcases, O Hideous One.
"I meant that he was being picked on because he's black," Imus said in a statement released by his spokesman.Why not just say "they can't help it it's in their nature?" That'd be more honest.
I thought better of Imus than to give in to the "racist" police. He doesn't need to just man-up, it's more like cowboy-up.
Posted by: ORrighty | June 23, 2008 at 10:20 PM
"All kidding aside, someone in HA’s Imus thread laments ad infinitum that white Americans are bound to unofficial Politically Correct speech laws to which their black fellow citizens are not. I’m sorry but I’m less that sympathetic to that particular complaint."
Exactly the point I have been trying to make for years but couldn't put it in words. Hello, let's not go to the lowest common denominator but treat all equally.
Brilliant as always.
Posted by: Branch Rickey | June 25, 2008 at 12:38 PM