Am I hallucinating or did I just see Al Sharpton and Pat Robertson on Fox News Channel in some kind of climate crisis commercial/PSA?
Apparently it's the latter.
With climate change not exactly being a hot-button issue among black Americans, the next white conservative who claims that black Americans have set up Al Sharpton as "our" "leader" and that it is black Americans who keep him in the public eye and afloat financially will get this thrown back at them.
Tribalism in America (see comments)
Riding the Tide
Run, Jesse, Run!
This commercial has been around a while, I'm surprised you managed to not see it for so long, there's one with Newt and Pelosi too.
Posted by: doubleplusundead | June 07, 2008 at 10:47 AM
I see.
Newt and Pelosi don't bother me. They are mainstream figures. Sharpton is not, no matter how much people like Imus, Hannity, Robertson and O'Reilly try to transform him.
Posted by: baldilocks | June 07, 2008 at 11:06 AM
Heard Rush talking about this, and his comment was something like:
"And we're supposed to think that if the sea level rises it will wash them both away. So what's the downside?"
As a white conservative Christian, I'll thank people to stop calling Robertson a spokesman for me, as well.
Posted by: notropis | June 07, 2008 at 07:48 PM
And the church said 'Amen.'
Posted by: baldilocks | June 07, 2008 at 09:35 PM