Or don't start it, Bill Kristol.
[Picking the 36-year-old Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal as vice-presidential candidate for the Republican ticket] might also be a way to confront the issue of [John] McCain’s age (71), which private polls and focus groups suggest could be a real problem. A Jindal pick would implicitly acknowledge the questions and raise the ante. The message would be: “You want generational change? You can get it with McCain-Jindal — without risking a liberal and inexperienced Obama as commander in chief.” I would add that it was after McCain spent considerable time with Jindal in New Orleans recently, and reportedly found him, as he has before, personally engaging and intellectually impressive, that the campaign’s informal name-dropping of Jindal began.Please. Even though Governor Jindal seems like the bright future of the GOP, one look at his smiling brown face and everyone knows why some are suggesting that he be added to John McCain's presidential ticket. It's the extra ingredient, if you will, besides Jindal's manifest competence. (Jindal's parents immigrated from India.)
Let's allow Governor Jindal to take care of the home front and leave the Identity Politicking to the Democrats.
No fighting Obama's brown with Jindal's brown, please. Thanks.
(Thanks to Mememorandum)
I was more pragmatic than that. It is more important right now to let him have time to clean up LA than to spend 4 years sitting on his hands in the White House.
Posted by: Phelps | May 05, 2008 at 01:36 PM
Yes I said that too but I really don't think that Kristol and others would be making as big a deal about Jindal if he were white.
Posted by: baldilocks | May 05, 2008 at 01:44 PM
Hey Baldilocks love the blog...I have read some of your articles and enjoyed the read. We seem to be on a lot of the same blogs in the form of links and would love to exchange links with you. I am always looking for quality insightful blogs to add to my blogroll and of course to be added to...thanks again and I will see you in the blogosphere! :)Nikki
Posted by: Nikki | May 05, 2008 at 02:53 PM
By all means let Jindal "fix" Louisiana first. He's come a long way in only 4 months, and he's got a long way to go - the remainder of this term and the entirety of his next one.
Imagine what a presidential candidate he will make in 2016!
Posted by: Donna B. | May 05, 2008 at 03:47 PM
Let Jindal get more experience first. Cleaning up LA is a good way to do that.
Not that he doesn't already have an impressive resume.
Posted by: Tully | May 05, 2008 at 03:54 PM
For the life of me I can't understand why people want to put Jindal out there now. Its Too. Damn. Soon. Let him run Louisiana for a few years as a proving ground.
Posted by: doubleplusundead | May 05, 2008 at 04:06 PM
I told y'all why. To counteract Obama's "brown skin factor."
To quote the Great Philosopher Bernie Mac, I say what you can't say. :-P
Posted by: baldilocks | May 05, 2008 at 04:19 PM
Understand the "brown skin factor" just fine, but I agree that Baton Rouge is the right place for Gov. Jindal right now, not on the campaign trail. That way, if he does a good job there, and I think he will, then it would be appropriate to consider him as a possible Presidential candidate in the future. Who wants to waste good talent on a position George Bush Sr. (I think) once described as "an indoor job with no heavy lifting"? (Yes, I know about "one heartbeat away" and all that, but let him do what he was elected to do in LA first).
I also think it would be wrong to follow the Donks' lead on nominating someone just because he has a certain amount of melanin in his skin, or a certain type of x-y chromosome pairing.
BTW, congrats on coming to the DU's attention. You must have written something that really hacked them off. Good job!
Posted by: waltj | May 06, 2008 at 03:14 AM