Obama: Initial Meetings With Hostile Nations Would Start With Lower Level Aides; Bush Admin “Preconditions” Are Exactly What Need to Be Negotiated In These Meetings. Asked whether his idea of meeting with hostile nations consisted of “from the get-go of the President of the United States” or lower level aides, Obama said, “The latter. Understand what the question was. The question was a very specific question. Would you meet without preconditions? Preconditions as it applies to a country like Iran for example was a term of art. Because this administration has been very clear that it will not have direct negotiations with Iran until Iran has meet preconditions that are essentially negotiations with Iran until Iran has met preconditions that are essentially what Iran used and many other observers would view as the subject of the negotiations. For example, their nuclear program. The point is that I would not refuse to meet until they agree to every position that we want. But that doesn’t mean that we would not have preparation, and the preparation would involve starting with low level-lower level diplomatic contacts, having our diplomatic corps work through with Iranian counterparts, an agenda.Was this a transcript of a statement or is it a press release as is stated at the bottom of the paragraph? Either way, the jumble of words makes little sense.
Usually when a person puts forth such a mish-mash of meaningless words, it signifies that he's trying to hide something and I know what Obama is trying to hide. Come closer and I'll tell you.
Let me whisper it in your ear...this is it...
He doesn't know what the flock he's talking about!!!!
Elsewhere on his site remains this.
Diplomacy: Obama is the only major candidate who supports tough, direct presidential diplomacy with Iran without preconditions.So he's going to personally meet with the Iranians both with and without preconditions.
Sleep on that.
(Thanks to LGF)
That's called "tap dancing", and, Baldi, I'm sure you've seen it during your USAF career, where the briefer didn't know what he was talking about and tried making it up as he went along. The results are exactly what Obama experienced here, rambling, illogically sequenced, contradictory, and almost incoherent at times. It's embarrassing to watch, and even worse when you're on the spot. It's always better to say "I'm sorry, sir, I don't have the answer, but I'll get it for you" than to look like the total fool that Obama does. Maybe he couldn't have used that exact phrase during the course of an interview, but he just didn't know when to shut up.
Posted by: waltj | May 20, 2008 at 04:53 AM
Barry's too young and too inexperienced to know better than to act this way. He's shedding supporters every day. It's like his attitude towards Rev. Wright. Wright was not controversial until he was, could not be denounced until he was, was a spiritual mentor until he wasn't, and so forth.
Posted by: Dick Stanley | May 20, 2008 at 11:51 AM
I dunno, Dick, so many, many people are just over looking all of that. It's like he's cast some kind of spell on them. I know, I talk to them. It's scary as heck.
Posted by: Maggie45 | May 20, 2008 at 04:48 PM
"Barry's too young and too inexperienced to know better than to act this way."
He's older (by a few months) and more experienced (in terms of government service), and (by any measure I can think of) a standard deviation or more smarter, than I am. If I can see it, then what's his excuse?
Posted by: notropis | May 20, 2008 at 10:07 PM
Yeah, n. he's a couple of weeks older than I am, but I let it stand.
Posted by: baldilocks | May 20, 2008 at 11:02 PM