Let’s see. Have I got the Obamian Democrat economic agenda correct?
No drilling for oil in the US to ease the high fuel prices in the US and, therefore, the price of transporting people and goods,
No free trade with Colombia and
No free trade with South Korea(!)
All of which is supposed to magically put money in the pockets of Americans.
You know, if I were a conspiracy-minded sort I’d guess that the Democrat-controlled Congress were behaving in such a manner as to make economic conditions so bad in this country that its citizens would clamor for a little-s savior in November-–one who is the antithesis of the "horrible Bush who ruined the economy," dontcha know.
Yes, I would believe that if I were a conspiracy-minded sort.
(Thanks to Fausta Wertz)
If Congress really cared about the economic well-being of American citizens, it would stop fulminating against [U.S. investor-owned oil companies] and reverse current policies that discourage, indeed prohibit, the production of domestic oil and natural gas. Even the announcement that Congress was opening the way for domestic production would lead to downward pressure on oil prices.(Emphasis mine.)
Conversely, when US Congresswomen start talking about nationalizing the American oil industry, one realizes how much trouble we're in--even if it's obvious that the congresswoman in question doesn't really know what she's taking about.
It's quite clear, a decade and a half later, that Henry Ross Perot deserves a belated "you were absolutely correct, sorry for believing the scheister press who put out what they're told, for it's easy to see Americans were screwed by NAFTA and other so-called free-trade agreements." Doesn't that feel so much better?
A fraction of a percent of Americans gained with NAFTA, a perfect right-wing coup over BB (blackmail-able bill) at the outset of his sad tenure. The rest of Americans got and are getting screwed. Remember America when the factory worker had a modest home, a car, could feed and take care of the family? That fell by the wayside so that 'special' businesses could get all of that bs "free trade." It's anything but free, and the free trade of the Americas --- Jesus Christ: how non-thinking do Americans have to be to see that in order for Mexico, Guatemala, Columbia, etc., etc., to enjoy 'free trade' with America, that their standard of living has to rise a lot. And commensurate with that, duh!! Americans' standard of living must drop. So anyone who's been to a thrid-world country, well, you know the drill. That's what'll happen to us.
My God, what a dumb country we have. How many of you play the stock market in hopes of rooming across from donald the putz trump one day? Wake the hell up, morons.
Posted by: WG | June 01, 2008 at 08:39 AM