John McCain has been to Iraq eight times, the last time being a couple of months ago.
Barack Obama has been to Iraq only once, in 2006.
So McCain criticizes Obama for it--doing so on Memorial Day:
"Look at what happened in the last two years since Senator Obama visited and declared the war lost," the GOP nominee-in-waiting told The Associated Press in an interview, noting that the Illinois senator's last trip to Iraq came before the military buildup that is credited with curbing violence.and then issues an invitation via Senator Lindsey Graham to accompany him on a trip to the country:"He really has no experience or knowledge or judgment about the issue of Iraq and he has wanted to surrender for a long time," the Arizona senator added. "If there was any other issue before the American people, and you hadn't had anything to do with it in a couple of years, I think the American people would judge that very harshly."
Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of McCain's top surrogates, laid the groundwork for McCain's criticism in a television interview in which he noted Obama's absence from Iraq and floated the idea that Obama and McCain should go together to be briefed by Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.Short-sightedly, Obama declines with a verbal rebuke of his own via spokesman Bill Burton:
Senator Obama thinks Memorial Day is a day to honor our nation's veterans, not a day for political posturing.But after catching deserved rhetorical flak for that response, Obama "considers" making a second trip to Iraq. Confederate Yankee Bob Owens is scornful:
Burton suggests that while Obama is willing to meet rogue terrorist-sponsoring regimes without preconditions, he will not meet with America’s allies or American soldiers to talk of current developments. Instead he will doggedly stick to a defeatist stance hardened years ago, and immune to change.Yes, but Obama shouldn't be afraid to change his mind about Iraq. He changes his mind about everything else and his
Don't be afraid, Senator. Go to Iraq, have your mind changed--or rather, appear to be changed--declare victory and don't worry. Your Jedi Mind Trick abilities are strong and your apostles acolytes followers supporters will never remember that the were against the war before they were for it. The incandescence of your magnanimity and courage will be a beacon for those who are prone to it! /purple prose
Think his advisers will get him to do this? Neither do I. After all they still haven't changed his web site declaration that he's "the only major candidate who supports tough, direct presidential diplomacy with Iran without preconditions." And he certainly won't do anything autonomously.
And, yes, he needs better people.
(Thanks to Instapundit)
Iraq? How about Afghanistan, where he claims to believe we should put more troops, and we aren't doing enough (couldn't be that the problem is NATO commands, eh?). He is the Chairman Of The Subcommittee On European Affairs, which Has Jurisdiction Over The Countries Of Europe As Well As NATO Activities. So how about a hearing or something to show you care, Senator Obama?
From "The Hill"
"But since joining Foreign Relations, Obama has missed three meetings on a "new strategy" in Afghanistan, a country he has never visited.
Obama was absent from a January 31 meeting this year, and also was not present for a hearing on Sept. 21, 2006. He did attend a March 8, 2007 hearing on a new Afghanistan strategy.
On Feb. 15, 2007, Obama also missed a committee hearing on U.S. ambassadors to Iraq and Afghanistan."
Can we really expect anything other than pure political posturing from this man? I think not.
Posted by: douglas | May 31, 2008 at 02:41 AM
I want to say about this postruing form. I mean, it’s got a seven foot tall interdimensional talking rabbit in it, and it’s not a comedy.The incandescence of your magnanimity and courage will be a beacon for those who are prone to it
Posted by: akademiker krankenversicherung | May 31, 2008 at 11:12 AM
I think we can expect some seriously "flawed" negotiations as well as posturing.
Is it any wonder that "flawed" and "failed" have become nerve-grinding words over the past 8 years?
Posted by: Donna B. | May 31, 2008 at 11:13 AM
akademiker krankenversicherung,
Ich verstehe nicht, worüber du sprichst aber ich lache.
Posted by: baldilocks | May 31, 2008 at 12:02 PM
Aber ich verstehe ganz... word on the political appointee street is to hit and hit and hit Obama on the war and his lack of military service and such because that's the ONLY thin mccain has. Not actual experience for ever being right, that is, but having coughed up American secrets in the BHoa facility, he emerged, despite being a flake, as a 'hero' of some sort. Of course, when amongst a crowd of wanna-be tough-guys (both dems and republicans), it's quite easy to come off tough. They "act" tough and "love war to protect Amerika" so much, they sell their souls daily to the israeli lobbies. JINSA bastards. Too many dealings with those f'ers, retired military sellouts for bucks.
But back to the reason for this blog: getting paid to spout talking points generated in the RNC and right-wing pacs, think-about-thinking tanks, political appointee circles. Is it not sad as hell to be a paid shill, knowing in the heart of hearts that America is in NO danger from anyone, not even the mossad's version of al qeada with their false flags and what not? I mean, how frickin' low of citizens can you be and how un-fulfilled does one have to be to not try to put America first?
It's gonna be fun watching all of this garbage (this blog, among 1,000's of other right-wing, neo-con, anything-for-israel, anything for x-military turned scheister contractor). Sell outs, the lot of them.
Bedanke mich ganz herzlich.
Posted by: WG | June 01, 2008 at 08:29 AM
So THIS is what we're so afraid of? Why billion$ are spent, to "defend" ourselves against a jewish guy from Southern California, where "cooks R us" is the norm??
FBI Calls Him 'Integral Part' of al-Qaeda's Media Branch
WASHINGTON (CBS News) -- The FBI has upped the stakes, and the ante, in an effort to find Adam Yahiye Gadahn -- also known as the "Orange County al-Qaida."
Posted by: SmokeScreens | June 01, 2008 at 12:30 PM