Why do I like this pope? Because he’s an intellect and he’s got more cojones than a whole lot of so-called men and Christians. He all talk and all action. Because he acknowledges the sins of his church straightforwardly. And I won’t quibble about all the things in which Catholics believe and I, as a Protestant, do not. We Christians are past the Shia-Sunni Discord stage.
And I’m not mad at him getting the rock star treatment during his trip here.
This pope is a thinker, and doesn't kowtow to anyone. Not to the "Catholics" that want to change the church so much that it is no longer Catholic, to the imams who preach hate.
Also, he realizes that Catholic numbers are dwindling, and knows that something has to be done about it.
All in all, a good choice for pope.
Posted by: IronMike | April 17, 2008 at 02:32 PM