And it happens again! This time it's veteran talker Dick Cavett who laments the lack of humor displayed by General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker during their appearances before the Senate Armed Forces and Foreign Relations Committees. Additionally, the two used too many words which were outside of Mr. Cavett's vocabulary.
But of course, Mr. Cavett couldn't resist take a shot at the general's rack.
I can’t look at Petraeus — his uniform ornamented like a Christmas tree with honors, medals and ribbons — without thinking of the great Mort Sahl at the peak of his brilliance. He talked about meeting General Westmoreland in the Vietnam days. Mort, in a virtuoso display of his uncanny detailed knowledge — and memory — of such things, recited the lengthy list (”Distinguished Service Medal, Croix de Guerre with Chevron, Bronze Star, Pacific Campaign” and on and on), naming each of the half-acre of decorations, medals, ornaments, campaign ribbons and other fripperies festooning the general’s sternum in gaudy display. Finishing the detailed list, Mort observed, “Very impressive!” Adding, “If you’re twelve.”And I can't read the words of small, ignorant males as they snipe at their betters without thinking of the word 'eunuch.'
Is it too difficult for such a towering intellect as Mr. Cavett to open a dictionary or have one of his assistants look up Army regulations and discover that the general is bound by those regulations to wear all of his accoutrements on that particular uniform combination? Apparently it is. But the type of knits that Cavett and Debord are picking indicates something more than willful ignorance. I mean, what Real Man do you know of who complains about such things?
When you're soon in that rest home, Mr. Cavett, you can spend your remaining days thinking about how you have wasted your life; something which better men than yourself--like General Petraeus and General Westmoreland (RIP)---will never have to do.
Something to look forward to.
(Thanks to Cassandra at Villainous Company)
I couldn't read the whole article, as the pretentiousness and condescension was making me nauseous. What was even worse were the fawning comments. YUCK! Unfortunately they are closed and I was unable to leave one of my own.
PS He should update his picture to a recent one, showing his real age, and not one from when he was actually relevant back in the 70's and 80's.
Posted by: Maggie45 | April 12, 2008 at 05:24 PM
Seems that Cavett and the wine fop are of C. S. Lewis's "Men Without Chests".
Posted by: Rich | April 12, 2008 at 05:41 PM
Wham! Bam! Thank you, Ma'am!
Posted by: AH·C | April 12, 2008 at 06:03 PM
I enjoyed your article, but allow me to do a little nitpicking myself. The phrase is, in fact, "pick a nit," not "pick a knit." It refers to "nits," the eggs of head lice, that are attached to hair shafts.
Posted by: William Oliver | April 12, 2008 at 07:01 PM
I didn't know Dick Cavett was still alive. Who'da thunk it? Definitely past his "use by" date and any possibility of relevance. As to his moronic comment regarding the lack of humor shown by Gen. Petraeus and Amb. Crocker, what does Cavett think it is, a stand-up routine? Oh, wait. Maybe it is at times, but the clowns are the ones asking the questions, not the ones seated at the witness table.
Posted by: waltj | April 12, 2008 at 07:02 PM
wow. looks awesome. Do you actually use it much though?
Posted by: Luxusimmobilien | April 12, 2008 at 07:30 PM
Re: knits/nits
I always forget which one to use. Thanks. :-)
Posted by: baldilocks | April 12, 2008 at 07:35 PM
Dick Cavett-- didn't he pass into oblivion years ago?
If Cavett has problems with General Petraeus's uniform and medals, may I recommend that he look into the long line of crap surrounding John Kerry's medals? David Petraeus earned his medals, but John Kerry, think again folks!!! But we all know people like Dick Cavett can't think past their noses.
Posted by: Mescalero | April 12, 2008 at 07:45 PM
"I always forget which one to use."
In contrast to folks like Cavett, who always have the right words but the wrong principles. Thank you for your service.
Posted by: pst314 | April 13, 2008 at 08:00 AM
An example of another man who is ashamed he didn't do anything worthwhile with his life.
Posted by: IronMike | April 13, 2008 at 08:04 AM
Cavett's show always seemed to have plenty of room for the America haters. You guys remember that Vladimir Posner was on so often, he could have made co-host? This part was nicely scubbed from Cavett's bio at Wikipedia, which Jules Crittendon links to. I recall Cavett all moist and dewy over 'ol Vlad, who has later written in extensive detail about his regret over his role as a paid propagandist for the Soviets. Maybe Dick and Vladimir can meet at Posner's Moscow restaurant. They can rehash their futile efforts to whitewash the murderous commie regime.
Posted by: scruffy | April 13, 2008 at 08:07 AM
Re: Wm Oliver and "The phrase is, in fact, 'pick a nit,' not 'pick a knit.' It refers to 'nits,' the eggs of head lice, that are attached to hair shafts."
(A) This is, in and of itself, a wonderful, self-referential example of "nit-picking." ;o/
(B) It highlights the author's wisdom in referring the the practice of nit-picking by Cavett, et. al. (and I am a fan of Cavett, mostly), because in THIS case, it turns out that Cavett is the nit-wit, and himself the nit that should be picked.
My pop served in Korea, and is very low-key about anything he did or earned (only recently, he told me he'd earned a 'sharpshooter' rank in gunsmanship, or whatever-you-call-it) and we are certainly NOT any sort of a military family. But I know enough, as a civilian, to respect the military for who they are and what they do, and I just -- cannot -- comprehend -- the mindset of those like Cavett who can't get their heads around the necessary Good that is the military.
Posted by: Wry Mouth | April 19, 2008 at 11:06 AM