After having someone steal money out of her purse, Dr. Helen wants to give up carrying purses altogether and, perhaps, adopt a few more peripheral guy traits.
I could at least steal some guy traits that might make my life a bit simpler, and that included carrying a wallet. Men seem calmer than women, and maybe not having to keep up with a purse 24/7 is part of the reason.It would be for me as well. Not trying brag or anything (okay I am, just a little), but putting items in my chest or pants pockets would make already overly curvy areas look even curvier--or look as though some abnormal growth which required immediate surgical attention was present on T or A. Additionally, the sheer number of items I carry--wallet, glasses, phone, camera, make-up bag, sundries--does not allow for me to go without something in which to hold them. So I'll keep carrying purse and, sometimes, backpacks.How has it worked out? It’s hard!
Now about that hair...
(Comedy ensues at Protein Wisdom)
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