With the more obvious aspects of Kenya’s social and political crises concluding, presenting a page dedicated to information about the country would seem to be a day late and a dollar short--were it not for the existence and presidential candidacy of Barack Obama.
Of course there are pages that are far more detailed and better researched than the one linked to above. But since I took it upon myself to put together information about what’s going on over there and to talk about it, it only seems fair to my readers to offer at least the bare bones of some facts, to at least point the way to answers. Fairness was also on my mind when it comes to those whom I have continuously excoriated and will continue to excoriate for repeating falsehoods--falsehoods implanted in their minds by those who would twist the still-perilous situation in Kenya to suit their own prejudices, fears and fantasies. (That last particular bit of fairness stems from one of the axioms in my personal code of conduct: bitching should never have itself as its sole purpose for existing if it can be helped. If one has a complaint, she should have at least one solution in mind. This is mine.)
Sources are multiple where possible--I tried not to rely on Wikipedia too much. Some sources are rank opinion but have within them still other sources. Obviously, as the number of sources read increases so will the view of Kenya's history and its woes become less distorted--at least for those with eyes to see. Suggested additions and verifiable (and polite) corrections are welcome.
Be vigilant against harsh reality. Making shizzam up doesn’t count. (A rebuttal.)
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