Some of you folks are beginning to sound like jilted lovers. I kept telling you that Obama wasn't a Muslim but a Communist (okay, a Socialist). He may ally with known racists--and, hopefully, it will sink his candidacy--but BHO is a mere cipher; a vessel. As William Amos put it at Hot Air,
We were wondering if Barack was a Manchurian Candidate; I think the answer is yes. The only question is for who?
Obama coats his lack of self in Black Liberation Theology--an ego-based, God-as-Sugar-Daddy ideology. But it could have been any other ideology that was equally as metaphysically empty; he suited up in this one because it fit the best for obvious reasons.
Some of us are still trying to clue you all in as to the exact nature of Obama's fraud. So when you stop fretting over the fact that He Done You Wrong, when you stop letting your ego and your fear blind your judgment, pay attention to the big, hairy clues in the guy's background. (No. The other clues.) They've been sitting there all along.
UPDATE: What Cobb said:
The great charade of this debacle is that critics and fans from the left and right have placed the burden on Obama to be their magic negro, to prove once and for all that Americans are capable of bridging racial gaps.
Spot on. At the bottom of all this mess is Karl Marx writ large. Imagine that, the philosophy of a free-loading European Jew co-opted by stuck-on-the plantation American Blacks.
Having 1st hand experience of the destruction & misery that communism inflicts on various African countries, the red (no pun intended) flags went up when I noticed TUCC operates a "faith-based" school named Kwame Nkrumah Academy.
As I mentioned a few days ago on one of your posts, ironic that Mentor Wrong uses NK as a role model for Chicago area students. If a Black role model is needed, what's wrong with Madam C.J. Walker, Fredrick Douglass etc?
NK was a communist that single-handedly extinguished the bright star that was Ghana and sent it on its downward spiral. Yet, time and time again, other nations copied the NK model in the insane attempt to get communism right.
Mugabe's brew of anti-colonial (Black) liberation & communism is but the latest spectacular disaster. Jean Aristide, Castro & Mengistu Haile Mariam were fellow travelers and Hugo Chavez soon to follow.
Obambi wants to take America down the same path? The audacity of insanity!
Posted by: AH·C | March 18, 2008 at 06:16 PM
I liked the bit where he called his gramma racist because she was afraid of black men.
Hell, even Chris Rock admitted that when he's at the ATM, HE'S afraid of black men (he used another word).
Posted by: docweasel | March 18, 2008 at 07:18 PM
I Got What America Needs Right Here
By Jimmy Carter
January 9, 2008 |
The Onion Issue 44•02
Sometimes I'm a little stupid, maybe, a little slow in the head, so I'm wondering if you can help me get something straight. Maybe you can help me understand one fucking thing right now, America, and explain to me what in the Christ is going on here. 'Cause, unless I'm missing something, this country is in the middle of a motherfucking shitstorm, and I have no fucking idea what you're gonna do to get out of it. I mean, are you seriously considering voting for one of these shitbags you got here in '08? Fat fucking chance.
Way I see it, America needs a president who's gonna somehow un-royally screw up the Middle East, do some serious cleaning up after you dropped your pants and took a steaming dump all over the fucking environment, and—boom!—restore dignity, honor, and all that shit to these United States.
See, I got solutions to all your problems—I got 'em right here in my big, hairy ballsack.
You better get down on your hands and knees and kiss Jimmy Carter's rosy-red Georgia-peach-picking ass and beg me to run your fucking country again, because there's no way I'm ever gonna come to you fuck-knobs and politely ask you if I might please be a presidential candidate in your precious fuckin' election. So you can just bite my cock. I've had it with you jerkoffs and your jerkoff candidates.
You actually seem to think one a' these assholes is gonna prance in and wave a magic wand and make everything all nice again. Look at you, sitting there like a common fucking schnook and eating all their bull about bi-fucking-partisanship, and how they have all the goddamn answers. Let me tell you something: These fags are dogshit compared to Jimmy fucking Carter, all right? I was arbitrating Mideast crises when this bunch was still sucking on their mamas' titties.
But who comes to me, huh? Fucking nobody. Why ask old Jimmy anything? What the fuck could he know about peace in the Middle East? It's not like he fucking won the Nobel Peace Prize for that shit. You myopic pricks. Back in '79, I sat Sadat and Begin right down and made those two dicklicks shake hands. It was beautiful—I had all the pieces lined up and I smiled and waved in my best fucking suit and tie right there on TV. And what do you do, you pieces of shit? You screw the whole goddamn pooch.
Oh, what's that I hear? The weather's all screwy? You got a global warming problem? Boo-fucking-hoo! I was telling you morons to turn off your lights and unplug all your shit at night to conserve energy in 19-fuckin'-75, for chrissake. Gee, I wonder what woulda happened if we'd all switched to solar power like I fucking did back when we had a fucking chance to do something about it. Think we'd still be sucking Saudi Arabia's dick like a five-dollar whore? I sure as fuck didn't get no fancy Oscar for that little spiel, though, did I? No. But Al Gore, that cum-sucking pig, steals the shit from me and now he's the greatest thing since Jesus Christ made a fucking sandwich.
Well, he can lick my asshole right after George W. Bush, that fuck.
You want compassion? Somebody who's looking out for the little guy? Why don't you take a look at Jimmy Carter, 'cause unlike, oh, every motherfucking candidate out there, he spent the last fucking quarter-century building houses for the homeless. And what does he get for it? A fucking hernia. Some fucking gratitude, you selfish twats. You talk to me about compassion? I'll shove a crucifix so far up the Democrats' asses they'll be asking me to buy them dinner and kiss them good night.
Funny thing about me: I actually fucking know shit! Not like these goombas trying to weasel their way into the White House. I practically wrote the book on collapsing bridges, inflation, and the working poor, fuck-o. I even got a degree in nuclear engineering or some shit. You know how easy I could swoop down right now like a guardian angel and solve all your fucking problems? Snap. Bam. Do it in my fucking sleep. Just fucking try me.
So you want me to run for president again? Yeah, sure, absolutely, I'll do it. I'd be honored to do it—with my fucking dick in your mouth, you worthless scumbags.
You had your chance with Jimmy Carter, and you fucking blew it. So get fucked. Fucking country.
Posted by: jimmy sez | March 18, 2008 at 10:00 PM
Chris Rock's point was is there's a difference between black people and "n#####s". He was blasted by some black folks as "airing dirty laundry" but I agreed wholeheartedly with his statement (I'm black also). Just wanted to clarify.
And baldilocks, I never felt Obama was the "magic negro". I just wanted to see a black president in my lifetime. And he wasn't a minister. And I think alot of black folks (who supports him) feel the same. We saw him win with white voters and thought "well it looks like he has crossover appeal so let's get on board". Plain and simple.
As far as the "manchurian candidate" vibe, I don't know. Do you really think he would pour Black Liberation Theology on America? I can't see it. Anyways, Senator Clinton will get the nomination so your good. :)
Posted by: T-Steel | March 19, 2008 at 06:59 AM
The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the - Web Reconnaissance for 03/19/2008 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the check back often.
Posted by: David M | March 19, 2008 at 07:39 AM
I saw some of your comments on HA and I bookmarked this site and I am so glad I did (if you are reading this blog bookmark!). This blog is informed with passion. Your fire for the homeland of parents is contagious! Race relations will improve in America when all of us judge each other not on the color of skin but content of character. Hmm, I have heard that somewhere before and it is truth.
The Obama doesn't understand that many white folks didn't and don't like affirmative action not because of the "preference" aspect but because the whole program is counter-productive to all Americans and harmful to the very people it is suppose to help. Grant it, there are some who are racists, but not all of us, and some of us think abortion, Sen. Obama, is a stain on this country too like slavery, segregation and the Trail of Tears. Take care baldilocks and will be back soon! {still praying Chi does NOT get Olympics ;-D}
Posted by: Branch Rickey | March 19, 2008 at 09:13 AM
Howdie! Do you know anything about this? Barack Obama's father is actually from San Francisco??????
I just read this at Slate Magazine online and was shocked -- is it true?
"Barack Obama invented several important details in his acclaimed 1995 memoir, Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, according to a memo distributed by the Clinton campaign as polls opened yesterday. The book describes Mr. Obama's experiences after the accidental death of his black African father in 1982. The senator's father was born in San Francisco, Calif., not Nyangoma-Kogelo, Kenya, as was alleged in the book, the memo claims. "Charles 'Chip' Obama spent every day of his life in the Bay Area, including the 24 years he spent working in a co-op bakery." —The Cleveland Plain Dealer, March 5, 2008" but i read it at
What have you heard about this and if it's true, WTF is going on here?
I thought to compare his grandmother to his world-travelled, power-holding, high-influence pastor was ludicrous. I thought the stereotype was that black men were taught to protect and respect their grandmothers and mothers AT ALL COSTS ~ he is slicker than slick willie ever dreamed of being.
You are courageous!
Posted by: Born in SF | March 19, 2008 at 10:51 AM
False alarm about the SF-born issue. The Slate article is satire.
Posted by: baldilocks | March 19, 2008 at 12:10 PM
Juliette, I have been away from reading you for a long time.
Wow! Did I miss out!
There's one thing I don't understand, that makes no sense to me.
Why isn't it you? Why aren't you running for office?
You are very intelligent, very erudite, you actually use your mind to analyze the world around you and your analysis is crystal clear and correct.
Few if any of the people I have heard running for office ANYWHERE, especially this raft of idiots, fascists, and fakers that is running for DC and elsewhere now remotely approaches your abilities.
You are a veteran and have given much for this country. You come from a family with a true and important history in the world. You have a view that is important and you have the ability to defend it rigorously and effectively.
We need you, Juliette. This country needs leaders like you. You might be too sane for office but we really need sane people now. Please consider this.
Posted by: Wayne | March 19, 2008 at 12:23 PM
What Wayne said!!!!
Posted by: Branch Rickey | March 19, 2008 at 12:49 PM
Yeah, the whole "Obama's a sooper sekret manchurian muslim" crap has been nothing but a big annoying distraction. Its probably the same friggin' people who forward that "Giant List o' people Clintons had Whacked" email and believe every word.
Obama is a just a more charismatic than average Marxist, and that's all I've ever needed to know.
Posted by: doubleplusundead | March 19, 2008 at 01:09 PM
Surfed on in from VC. Need to catch up; it has been awhile.
Posted by: cricket | March 20, 2008 at 04:37 AM
That's what really disappoints me, T-Steel. I can't see anyone taking a "any candidate, as long as he/she looks like me and can win" as anything but racism.
Posted by: Phelps | March 20, 2008 at 11:18 AM
It's only racism when it is intended to hold back people because of their race. There has never been a black POTUS so wanting to see one is hardly racist. Unless the candidate is a raving racist (which Obama isn't). But I've finally wearied of the Big 2 political games. I'm back to my 3rd party protest vote. And I feel much better.
Posted by: T-Steel | March 24, 2008 at 04:06 PM