Help! Does anyone know how to open the old-fashioned can version of John McCann's Steel-cut Irish Oatmeal (pictured)? I had to stoop to eating Quaker's this morning. Not that I haven't stooped to it before, but I bought the McCann's because it has no sugar in it.
Oh. Did I mention that I've been on a diet? The South BeachTM type. I'm feeling pretty good, having lost fourteen pounds in three weeks. Oh yes and then there's the exercise (again). This isn't the first time that I've been able to exercise myself down in weight, but I've never been able to stick to a diet before. The quick results, however, are encouraging.
A friend of mine--an ex-boxer--says that if I start jumping rope, the weight will drop off even more quickly. I don't know. I wasn't that coordinated back when I was jumping rope on a regular basis and now I'll have to strap down a pair of assets that I didn't have back then. Send armor.
And, no, there'll be no video.
UPDATE: Three and fifty (I'll let you guess).
UPDATE (2/22/08): Opened.
Just had to kill the joy in the last line, didn't you? lol
Posted by: Paul Jané | February 21, 2008 at 12:47 PM
Paul, I've missed you so...
Posted by: baldilocks | February 21, 2008 at 12:55 PM
I could rent a high speed camera for you. It would only record 2-3 seconds at a time. At 12,000 frames a second.
Posted by: Phelps | February 21, 2008 at 01:34 PM
That sounds...really boring Phelps.
Anyway, I've done Atkins and I love it. Plus, it's made me learn how to cook meats.
What kind of low carb diet has you eating *oatmeal*?
Posted by: ErikZ | February 22, 2008 at 04:54 AM
Gotta change the lifestyle J. Diets just don't work. You will put the wieght back on after the diet is "over". I have found that consistently exercising also gives you a great positive mental outlook so you could add that as motivation to sweat on a consistent basis.
Posted by: Rich | February 22, 2008 at 05:06 AM
Actually, with South Beach, you only cut out all carbs the first two weeks (I did it for four) and ease *some* of them back in. Like old-fashioned oatmeal. And not everyday.
The diet *has* worked. But it worked better in conjunction with exercise. And, who said anything about going back to the same habits? ;-)
Also, recently, I had been doing *exercise* by itself and was getting no results. (Old age I guess.) It seems that the two are inseparable.
Posted by: baldilocks | February 22, 2008 at 07:55 AM
Of course you will be submitting some form of visual evidence that the diet has worked. Right?
Posted by: Rich | February 22, 2008 at 12:47 PM
Of course. After I drop twenty more (the goal). :-)
Posted by: baldilocks | February 22, 2008 at 03:22 PM
OT. Shooting you this link from an blog concerning Kenya:
Posted by: Rich | February 22, 2008 at 06:32 PM
Posted by: baldilocks | February 22, 2008 at 07:27 PM
The only way I have ever been able to open McCann's oatmeal cans is to use an old fashioned bottle top/beer can opener, You put it between rim of the top and the top and lever the top up. Keep repeating arounf the circle.
WARNING: McCann's likes to be cooked slowly a looong time. It must be watched as it also likes to boil over.
P.S. Although tasteless, oat bran is even better for a low cholesterol diet. I got very thin before I fell off the wagon and ballooned up again.
Posted by: Louis Spielman | February 23, 2008 at 07:35 PM