Twice in the past year, I have awakened to a non-functioning/improperly functioning computer with one of those times being yesterday morning. To make a long story short--after being patiently walked through the trial and error process by a Microsoft guy via the telephone, we finally hit upon the solution.
A benediction: may the country of India remain fertile and evergreen and may its tribe(s) continue to increase.
I've been seriously considering switching to a Mac next time I buy.
Posted by: Rustmeister | February 13, 2008 at 08:53 AM
Great site!
Would you like a Link Exchange with The Internet Radio Network? At the IRN you can listen to over 60 of America’s top Talk Shows via Free Streaming Audio! In addition you can email the President, VP and Congressional Leaders!!
Posted by: Steve | February 15, 2008 at 06:04 AM
Hmmm. That looks like comment spam just above me. :) The link for "Steve" is the same URL listed above.
Anyhoo. Glad to see you're back, Juliette. I've been trying to follow your posts about Kenya; they're an excellent alternative to the "news."
I generally don't pester MicroSoft for two reasons:
1)I build my own computers, and can usually figure out the problem faster and more accurately than the help desk; one time the RoadRunner help desk (an alleged tech support rep no less) actually suggested that I re-install WinXP to solve my problem. The actual issue? Birds had gotten into the cable box and stripped all the insulation off of the coax! Snerk.
2)I own an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) copy of XP, which MS has already told me they don't support, so I get to go to the store where I bought it, like they can help. $199 for a stinkin' CD, and not even once-a-year email support.
Rustmeister, if I had the money, I would love to get a new Intel Core Duo Mac. Fire that puppy up with Parallels Desktop for those apps I can't afford to sidegrade, and I'm a happy camper... ;)
Posted by: Casey | February 15, 2008 at 08:37 PM