2008 will not be a good year for one Jay R. Grodner, Chicago Attorney-at-law, anti-military in sentiment, alleged vandal and possible felon.
And the moral of the story is: you never know who you're...er...messing with anymore. Actually, the moral is that the everyday citizen is no longer as defenseless as he/she used to be--even against lawyers.
Correction: the everyday waste of oxygen is no longer as defenseless as he/she used to be. And none too soon.
Let the internet be the 21st century version of lynch mobs, because that POS deserves it. He thinks he'll get off scot-free because that Marine's going to Iraq? Heh. He apparently doesn't realize how miserable bloggers can make his pathetic existence.
BTW, welcome back to at least a semi-commitment to blogging! :) (Hey, I never hold anyone to blog commitments--I can't keep them myself!)
Posted by: Beth | December 31, 2007 at 03:49 PM
I think he's already learning exactly just how miserable bloggers can make his pathetic existence.
His web site is down, and aside from his web site Google produces not a single result that he would care to claim.
And from the sound of the update reports, he's NOT walking away from the incident and screwing over his victim (again) just because the courts are overloaded, as he apparently counted on. The prosecutor's office has also been getting a massive number of contacts from people urging a full prosecution, and some of them must have some Chicago-style weight, as they're going ahead.
If he gets that felony conviction, his career as an attorney is OVER. Likewise if the state bar chooses to seriously discipline him, whether or not he's convicted.
Today, it really sucks to be Jay R. Grodner, and the rest of 2008 isn't looking too good for him either.
Posted by: Tully | January 01, 2008 at 09:17 AM
I propose we all call this guy "The Lovely Jay Grodner" when speaking of him, and if possible, post a few of his internet sex photos, all of which he (stupidly) posted himself, and some are already turning up as bondage photoshops, wearing tutu's, ect.
My guess is The Lovely Jay Grodner until recently thought he could sue anyone who slandered his fat, ugly, corrupt ass. Let's see The Lovely Jay Grodner sue everyone on the internet.
Oh yeah, The Lovely Jay Grodner now has his own Wikipedia page. Check it out.
Mr. Lovely Jay Grodner, there is a shit storm coming your way, girlie.
Posted by: Dick | January 04, 2008 at 11:04 PM