Speaking of Senator Obama, the deterioration of his presidential candidacy seems to be proceeding apace. From his August assertion that US troops were just “air-raiding villages and killing civilians” in Afghanistan (aren’t our efforts in Afghanistan supposed to be the “Good War?”), to his decision to cease wearing the US flag pin on the lapels of his suits (he used to wear one back when it was all the rage), the senator almost seems to be committing campaign Selbstmord.
Allahpundit features yet another of Obama’s statements—this time regarding faith. Speaking to reporters in the wake of making a campaign speech at the Redemption World Outreach Center (!), the senator disputed the assertion that Republicans hold the high ground when it comes to matters of faith. One wonders to which faith the senator was referring when he made this statement:
I am confident that we can create a Kingdom right here on Earth.Um, er, Senator, if one of your goals is to create an earthly Kingdom, that Kingdom you hope to build isn’t that of a certain Jewish Rabbi/carpenter—the one whom you claim to accept as your Savior. And, as a matter of fact, this world--this earth--is allegedly the Kingdom of that Other Guy; at least for a time.
Of course, it would be just as silly to claim that Obama is some sort of “agent of the Devil” as it is to claim that he’s some sort of Islamic Manchurian Candidate. Obama is merely spouting one of the tenets of a certain other type of “religion”—one that, however, has proven to be even more dangerous than those aforementioned, if body counts are any indication. I'd imagine that his audience, being mostly products of modern education, didn't pick up on the historical implications of an "earthly Kingdom." (That's not a slam against them, but against most public education systems.) But, sheesh! Don't any of these people--these Christians--read the Bible?
(Thanks to Gateway Pundit)
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