The two Eds--Morrissey and Driscoll--take down Ellen Goodman’s column in which she laments the male “bias” of the political blogosphere and claims that women are intimidated by the “angry white male(ness)” of it:
Who knows how many women are scared silent[?]
All I have to say about Goodman’s opinion is…
Absinthe & Cookies
Ann Althouse
La Shawn Barber
Tammy Bruce
Beth C.
Cal Tech Girl
The Cotillion
Beth Donovan
Connie du Toit
Rosemary Esmay
Gates of Vienna
Mary Katharine Ham
Arianna Huffington
Sondra K.
Little Miss Attila
Rachel Lucas
Michelle Malkin (and then there's her other blog)
Jeralyn Merritt
Obsidian Wings
Samantha Pierce
Helen Smith (Reynolds)
Mahndisa Rigmaiden
Shay Riley
Pat Santy
Villainous Company
Fausta Wertz
Sergeant Wilks
Angela Winters
And, of course, yours truly (see the comments).
Trust me. These ladies (and their co-bloggers) aren’t discussing kittens and ice cream. And I Pity The FoolTM who would try to intimidate any of them, especially Ms. Bruce or Mrs. du Toit (and not just because of who Connie is married to, either.)
Ellen Goodman needs to get her "eyes" checked.
Amy Alkon
Amy Ridenour
Allison Kaplan Sommer
Meryl Yourish
MORE (Most from Comments):
Adriana Cronin
Darleen's Place
Atlas Shrugs
The Outraged Spleen of Zion
Exit Zero
Electric Venom
Redsugar Muse
Maia Lazar
And Maia's mother, Cathy Seipp (RIP)
Suffice it to say, we ain't scared.
UPDATE: Check out the comments section to discover more of us "poor, intimidated" distaff bloggers.
Aloha, Juliette,
LauraW at Ace of Spades
Adriana Cronin at
Posted by: Malcolm Kirkpatrick | August 11, 2007 at 02:31 PM
Amen, Juliette!
Maybe she's projecting. ;-)
Posted by: Beth | August 11, 2007 at 03:23 PM
Intimidated by the angry white maleness of it?
Heh. That is funny.
I find the angriness of it the best part, white, not white, or female. It is the unfiltered opinions of the every man (and every woman).
Since it is a completely open medium (even for free if you use free blogging software) perhaps the outcome of fewer women in the political blogging arena is because fewer women (to men) discuss politics?
Gee, what a concept, eh? People writing about what interests them and that translating into statistics.
Who ARE these people who make such silly and unfounded assertions? Tell me this woman is fiction, PLEASE, because no one is really that stupid.
It's a big white male conspiracy, once again keeping women from the front parlor. Oh, please. Maybe the women were just not interested in talking about what the men were talking about. That is such a tired meme.
Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Posted by: Mrs. du Toit | August 11, 2007 at 05:03 PM
Darleen's Place
Atlas Shrugs
The Outraged Spleen of Zion
Exit Zero
Redsugar Muse
And let's not forget the recently departed Cathy Seipp, who nobody was gonna chase off of the intertubes.
And with that, Maia Lazar
And that's just off the top of my head.
Posted by: Pablo | August 11, 2007 at 08:25 PM
Oh, and while I won't bother with the links, there's Marcotte, Feministe, Feministing, Shakepeare's Sister, Trish Wilson, and the loons at Firedoglake led by Jane Hamsher.
Posted by: Pablo | August 11, 2007 at 08:30 PM
Thanks Malcolm and Pablo!
Pablo: I don't think Michele is blogging anymore, unfortunately.
Posted by: baldilocks | August 11, 2007 at 08:38 PM
Don't forget Shay at Booker Rising!
Go ahead and call her a wimp. Tell her how she's intimidated by all that "angry white maleness." C'mon. I dare you.
Posted by: Tully | August 11, 2007 at 09:00 PM
Oops, NOW I see Shay listed. My bad. So let me sub in Theresa Nielsen Hayden of the Making Light blog. Same dare.
Posted by: Tully | August 11, 2007 at 09:03 PM
Tully: thanks. And you knew that I would be unable to leave Shay out.
Posted by: baldilocks | August 11, 2007 at 09:24 PM
I've been online since the early 90s, and had a website since 1998, and I've been blogging since 2003. And, by the way, I got my first computer in 1985, a Mac, through University of Michigan's student discount program.
And here's a comment I recently left on an entry on ShinyShiny complaining about women being harrassed on the Internet:
Oh yeah, on my blog, I'm anti-god, anti-taxes for school for other people's children, anti taxes for NPR, anti-Iraq war (but pro-going after Bin Laden and flattening Afghanistan), pro-Bush health care plan, anti-socialist health care, pro equal rights for all (meaning I'm for fair treatment for men), etc., etc.
Do I sound intimidated?
Oh yeah...did I mention that I'm a combative bitch? And I mean that in the nicest way.
Posted by: Amy Alkon | August 12, 2007 at 12:48 AM
And don't forget Debbie Schlussel, who not only blogs, in the most in-your-face way, about the increasing danger from the Islamists, but has infiltrated Islamist gatherings in Detroit.
Somebody should remind her to be a little more timid.
Posted by: Amy Alkon | August 12, 2007 at 06:03 AM
Count me in - I was so incensed, I wrote Ms. Goodman to inform her that her column was indicative of the ignorance of the liberal press.
Posted by: Linda F | August 12, 2007 at 06:08 AM
Typepad hates Wordpress trackbacks, but I linked to ya in my post. :)
Posted by: Beth | August 12, 2007 at 06:57 AM
Add Zendo Deb from TFS Magnum, too! She's definitely not frightened into silence!
Posted by: Beth | August 12, 2007 at 07:24 AM
Have you noticed that everybody hates to be around a crybaby - even other crybabies? Anybody old enough to talk who is still a crybaby ought to be ashamed!
I'm a conservative female blogger, and I'm the admin of two blogs that focus primarily on antijihadist/counterterrorist news and views, with tech tools and tips to help the conservative activist. I don't make any secret of the fact that I'm female, but on the other hand, I haven't had occasion to mention it on these blogs thus far, for the simple reason that the blogs are not about me!
My primary blog is at and is called 1389 Blog - Antijihadist Tech. It was formerly at but was recently migrated to self-hosted WordPress, partly to gain the ability to add more features, and partly because some Blogger blogs on counterterrorist issues had been mislabeled as spam and had been shut down for varying periods of time.
I also have another, less formal, blog at, where I post interesting notes and links that you may feel free to use.
EVERY blogger who takes a principled stand (and even some who don't) runs a risk of being spammed, stalked, threatened, or trashed with bots and malware. It goes with the territory. There are various computer security tools you can use to help you manage the risk. Risk and conflict are part of life!
Posted by: 1389 | August 12, 2007 at 07:32 AM
Ah! How could I forget mi amiga ciaospirit/hourglass1941 who has made her bones jamming her videocamera and some tough questions into the faces of CAIR-bots, Code Pinkos and other assorted dissembling dreck?
Nope, nor interested in being victims. Y'all do us proud, Ladies.
Posted by: Pablo | August 12, 2007 at 08:04 AM
Perhaps the reason some women feel they're attacked online more than men is because they react to it more strongly. Men grow up jostling and threatening. Women aren't used to it.
Kim has received an untold number of death threats. I've had a few, but not nearly the number he's gotten. Most are just blithering idiots.
If they are more vile and direct threats, I respond the same way he does, "Bring a gun. Don't miss because I won't."
The strangest thing is that we never hear from them again.
Posted by: Mrs. du Toit | August 12, 2007 at 09:24 AM
You know, maybe we are content to be who we are and our modest linkage?
I mean, when you become a "big" blog you have got to really commit to the posting or lose it.
I've posted both personal, philosophical and serious world event analysis. The blog is for my expression, not necessarily trying to break into the main stream media. Plenty of male bloggers have linked.
Then again, some of my better posts have gotten some decent links and visitation. But not necessarily "instalaunched" or quoted on Fox/CNN/etc.
I guess it depends on what you want from blogging.
Posted by: kat-missouri | August 12, 2007 at 12:23 PM
Heh heh...loved that "Bring a gun" crack, Mrs. du T.
Reminds me of advice Emmanuelle Richard ( got after she did really well in target practice on the gun range. The instructor suggested she put up the bullseye on the garage door of the house she shares with her husband Matt Welch, with the sign:
"Tresspassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again."
Posted by: Amy Alkon | August 12, 2007 at 12:33 PM
I like Mrs. dT's response too.
I get trolls, but have only received two threats in the four years that I've been blogging (must be something about a chick who has her head shaved).
My response to the two: "Come on with it. I live in South Central LA. I'll tell my neighbors that you're coming and we'll have a 'party' in your honor."
Posted by: baldilocks | August 12, 2007 at 02:40 PM
Beth: I'm usually indisposed on Sunday mornings and I have my trackbacks set for user approval. It's there now.
Posted by: baldilocks | August 12, 2007 at 02:41 PM
Same old, same old:
Well meaning but totally out of touch
Pablo: Thanks for the memories. :-)
Posted by: Sissy Willis | August 12, 2007 at 02:43 PM
08 11 07
Hehhehe show you right Baldilocks!!! hehehehhe And I will add a coupla women scientists to the pot here:
Theorema Egregium -Christine Dantas
Kea- Marni Dee Sheppeard
Posted by: mahndisa | August 12, 2007 at 04:20 PM
Strangely enough, most of the bloggers I know are female. Here they are...
Always On Watch
DU D'rat Review
Neocon Command Center
Long Range
The Merry Widow
Smart Lass
Woman Honor Thyself
Posted by: InRussetShadows | August 12, 2007 at 09:10 PM
I'm right in Ellen's neighborhood and I've been blogging almost since 2003 at
Business of Life
Legacy Matters
Kudos for putting all these women bloggers together.
Posted by: Jill | August 13, 2007 at 05:36 AM
Can someone please shut Goodman up!! She pops out of her malfunctioning way back machine, takes a dump in front of us and expects us to say "don't that smell nice". Shut up already!!
Posted by: Richard Cook | August 13, 2007 at 04:01 PM
[waves] how have you been? I feel like I haven't talked to you in ages, which, maybe I haven't :)
Nearly six years blogging, and every single one of them as a girl [g] Obviously, I'm terrified!
Posted by: Ith | August 13, 2007 at 09:38 PM
That is so. I have a picture of you in my mind: little, medium brown-haired person.What's going on, girl? :-)
Posted by: baldilocks | August 13, 2007 at 10:23 PM
Nothing too much :) Will be moving out of state hopefully by the new year, but otherwise, same job, same town.
Posted by: Ith | August 14, 2007 at 11:13 AM