...as I warned.
As a part of my slow revamping of this blog, I went into my main blogroll last week (on the left, under the heading "Ton O' Blogs") and weeded out quite a few links.
Here were the blogroll cuts: if a blogger hadn't posted in the calendar year, if the link lead to a '404' or a 'domain name available' message and/or if a blogger overtly expressed the intent to quit blogging, I deleted the link.
There are, of course, some sentimental exceptions, like Steven den Beste's USS Clueless or Gut Rumbles, composed by the late and very lamented Rob Smith aka Acidman. (Gut Rumbles remains current and consistently features new updates consisting of old posts).
My request to anyone whose blog I may have deleted in error, to anyone who would like a link or anyone who was previously listed but has a new domain name of which I'm not aware: post a comment here or email me at baldilocks[at]sbcglobal[dot]com.
Speaking of new domain names, I happen to have one: http://www.luoamerican.com/baldilocks. As far as I can tell, however, the old one will still work. If I can figure out how to remedy that, I'll post a notice.
I was just about to ask you about the new domain name, so I could get all my links updated. I noticed the routing had gotten haphazard over the last few weeks.
Posted by: Tully | July 12, 2007 at 08:39 AM