Valerie Plame’s civil lawsuit filed against Vice President Cheney, presidential adviser Karl Rove and others for allegedly leaking her CIA identity to the media has been dismissed—if only for jurisdictional reasons. Of course, not everyone is happy about it. (Thanks to Memeorandum)
Have elements of the Left been subsidizing the enemies of the United States? According to Colonel Robert “Buzz” Patterson, USAF (ret.), author of War Crimes: The Left's Campaign to Destroy Our Military and Lose the War on Terror, they have. (Thanks to Tantor)
Speaking of Marxists--or rather ex-Marxists (maybe) could a new Cold War be brewing? Or merely a Tepid One? At Real Russia Project, Yuri Mamchur discusses the recent “Lobster Summit” between President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin and the disparate reactions between the European and American MSM.
Another blogger heads to Iraq and needs your support.
And, to end on a fun note, Independent Sources has some quaint images from that bygone innocent era—the 1950s.
ADD-ON: The back-in-the-saddle-again Jeff Goldstein observes with chagrin as the Christo-fascists attempt to suppress freedom. What? They weren't Christo-fascists? My bad.
Fizzlemas in July!
They must be starting to feel like Charlie Brown. "I got a rock."
Posted by: Tully | July 19, 2007 at 03:35 PM