"Reverend" Cosby preaches the words.
Dropouts: "The graduation (ratio) for black women to men is 70-30. I feel sorry and sad for all these highly educated females who are so intelligent and have no educated men to marry." [SNIP]Gerard Vanderleun knows why discovery of the "Gospel of Judas" is all the rage.Parenting: "When are you going to challenge them about CDs full of vulgarity and profanity? ... When are you going to challenge them with, 'I want to know who your friends are before you leave this apartment'?"
Cosby asked foster parents, grandmothers, aunts and uncles who raise someone else's children to applaud, then pointed to the crowd: "There's your reality." [SNIP]
"I speak for the dead," he said. "And the dead say to me now, 'No more, no more, no more.' Say it to your young children."
What is needed, in this secular age of self-intoxication, is a Saint who will remit our sins of betrayal; who will by his very existence sanctify treason. And who better fits this role than the man who betrayed the greatest love for the smallest change, Judas?My progenitor--forgetting that Judas committed suicide as a result of his betrayal and is, therefore, past forgiveness--doesn't quite get the issue at hand (registration required),
It seems that, if Judas had not betrayed Jesus, Jesus would not have fallen into the hands of Caiaphas and Pilate. Yet if it was God who had sent his son to sacrifice his life for us, then the killers were merely acting as God's agents and should be hailed, not bundled into pogroms.and muddies the whole story with a bizarre, alternate and rather Da Vinci Code-like treatise of the "real" story of Jesus of Nazareth.
Glenn Reynolds posts very sweet photos of the Easter Bunny--is there anyone that guy doesn't know?--and the Insta-Nephew.
Blogger pairing and prayer-answered update: Deb and Jay post a photo of their second blessing from God.
Good and Bad: my token (and favorite) Heathen visits his 95-year-old grandma today and takes money from children.
And Doug TenNapel talks about the transformation of Life from Death.
I've been obsessed with amphibians and raised them my whole life because they transform. Insects transform too but when they do it it's really gross to behold. Transformation is at the heart of my religion, Christianity. I believe the Creator of the universe left messages in nature that reflect his big picture plan for all of existence. There are acts of cruelty, acts of creation, and in the case of a tadpole becoming an adult toad there is transformation and completion into something wholely better than before.
(Thanks to Lucianne and to Michelle Malkin)
Im just commenting on the first figure involving black men, black
women , and education It really bothers me because Its real and big As a man Its obvious to me
that a black man would say I dont need this shit . While in Highschool Thats what I said Most of it wasnt very challenging
and Men dont like to kiss ass
Theres no way in my lifetime I can
presume to think like a black man
but I can try. I think I'd see a big obstacle . Because of all the hatred from the past and what still goes on Youre always gonna misstrust WHITES You just cant help it the difference is extreme black and white to blacks in Africa when they first saw us were scared We looked like GHOSTS OR walking maggots
And us white people treated them like animals and some still do
Whats it gonna take for people to realise black and white people
are no more different than night and day The point being There isnt much difference in 12 hours
certainly not enough to justify the bullshit thats been going on forever WAKE UP ITS EASTER
Posted by: skinner | April 16, 2006 at 11:26 PM
I like how the black political establishment criticizes Cosby for airing dirty laundry. Like otherwise we'd have no idea about the problems in the black community
Posted by: beautifulatrocities | April 17, 2006 at 06:26 AM
HEATHEN!!??? Darlin,' that hurts, even if it is true.
Posted by: Acidman | April 17, 2006 at 07:07 AM
Waitaminute...Caiaphas and Pilate would never have been able to arrest Jesus without Judas? All he told them is where to find Jesus when he wasn't surrounded by the public. I think, with the resources of the temple and the government at their disposal, they could have found this out eventually without Judas' betrayal.
Posted by: 10Kan | April 25, 2006 at 09:00 AM