In a week in which the question of how illegal immigrants should be handled are all the talk--from downtown LA to Capitol Hill--one is tempted to find this story :::amusing?::: ::::ironic?:::: ::::scary?::::
NEWARK, N.J., March 27 (UPI) -- An embarrassing hole in security surrounding former U.S. President Bill Clinton turned up when one of his chauffeurs was found to be a wanted man.This incident, if true, demonstrates the scope of the problem and the schizophrenia built into it. Either we have immigration laws or we don't. And if we don't, we should stop wasting money pretending to enforce those laws and simply allow anyone near our former presidents or any other person/facility we want to keep secure.Shahzad Qureshi, 42, was in one of three cars awaiting Clinton at Newark Airport last week when a Port Authority policeman happened to check license plate numbers.
The computer came back showing the Pakistani national had skipped a residency-status hearing in 2000, and a deportation order had been issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the New York Post reported.
Qureshi was still in jail Monday awaiting immigration processing, the report said.
Alright. I pick 'scary.'
I find Bill Clinton a lot more scarey than Mr. Qureshi. :)
Posted by: xixi | March 28, 2006 at 05:47 AM
Scary or incompetent? You can have all the laws you want, but if morons are charged with enforcing them, you have nothing.
Posted by: Jabez | March 28, 2006 at 07:21 AM
Well, the problem is there are still a ton of lefty extremists in bureaucracy and they are unwilling to address this problem for a variety of reasons, including a natural protective feeling toward the "underdog", a hatred of President Bush and thus a desire to undermine his work, and a delusion that if we're mean to people, that's why they hate us.
Posted by: Christopher Taylor | March 28, 2006 at 08:30 AM
That IS scary. How could that kind of thing be overlooked? Don't they do series background checks? Geez. I had to have one just to teach elementary school. How could you not have one to work for the president???
Posted by: Navy nerd | March 28, 2006 at 09:48 AM
That doesn't make sense to me - he checked the plates on one of Clinton's limos and they came back with a match on an illegal immigrant?
1. Why would Clinton's car be owned by an illegal?
2. If it was the man's personal car, why was he picking Clinton up in it - is Clinton that hard up for vehicles?
Posted by: Michael Heinz | March 28, 2006 at 02:36 PM
I dont think this clinton person should be scolded for feeding Ill Eagles ...........
someones got to do it !
they arnt on the DANGER LIST
for nothing now are they
I myself feed pidgions
but I only feed the older ones
because They need ruffage !
And they have a hard time getting it now dont they ! Those little smarpamce youngster pigions
find out way to soon I mean business with my umbrella !
Posted by: Gildna Radner | March 29, 2006 at 12:10 AM
whats really scary is Gildna Radnors excellant comments on this post written from beyound
But also the fact that Clinton should still be limo'ed or whore'd around by secret service
maybe the limo guy was HalAAA
HALAHH that fake carpet pilot on mad tv. On ecstacy I miss the old bag that used to be on there she was the funniest one HA HHHEEEAHHHHEA .
Posted by: skinner | March 29, 2006 at 12:53 AM
My sincerest apologies to any carpet pilots who are proud of
the anology because they are from India or Pakastan and dont want to be lumped in with muslims
who actually are Camel jockeys
the carpet pilots actually are either Hindu or buddist however
the buhdists claim to be the best carpet aviators I couldnt tell you My question is Who the hell wants to claim the " Lamp rubber" slurr ???? You you on the front row with the pointy
curly shoes and puffy lime green pants get the hell out of here this isnt a gay bar!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: skinner | March 29, 2006 at 01:07 AM
I'd kind of lost interest in this blog for a while. But now I return, and this surreal turn it's taking (even Skinner getting in on the act!) is fantastic. Keep it up!
Posted by: ben | March 29, 2006 at 02:53 AM
Well, gosh, they couldn't run a backround check on a Pakistani, now could they? That would be profiling. No, no, much better to give that Granny a thorough going over...
Posted by: Mr. Bingley | April 03, 2006 at 04:03 PM