The past few days just haven’t been good days for vice presidents.
First, on Saturday, Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally hits hunting companion Harry Whittington, 78, while the two were stalking little birdies in Texas. Though it appears that Mr. Whittington only received minor wounds—bird shot in the face and chest—the issues surrounding the publication of the accident are receiving much criticism. After Mr. Whittington received treatment from the vice president’s medical team—who travels with the VP regularly due to his chronic heart problems—Mr. Whittington was transported to the local medical facilities. Instead of immediately notifying the Washington press corps by putting out a statement from his office, Vice President Cheney deferred to the owner of the property on which the hunt had been proceeding—Katharine Armstrong—and allowed her to notify the local press. Because the local press waited to inform their colleagues in the nation’s capital, the Washington press corps wasn’t able to get the news out until the next day. So now the cries of ‘cover-up’ ring throughout the land--as if such a thing actually had a chance of being covered up.
And, to top things off, it appears that neither the vice president nor Mr. Whittington had all of the necessary paper-work to legally hunt in Texas.
In its report, the state agency that oversees hunting and fishing said it found neither Mr. Cheney nor Mr. Whittington had purchased the game bird stamp required to hunt quail in Texas. Both had valid hunting licenses, Mr. Cheney's a non-resident license.As if the Bush Administration didn’t have enough problems.The agency, in a release, said it has not been uncommon for game wardens to find hunters in the field without the required stamps since a new law took effect last Sept. 1. In those cases, hunters have been given oral warnings in lieu of fines or other penalties. Officials said that's common practice for up to a year after such a new law takes effect.
But then on Sunday, nearly right on cue—as if to remind us of the type of VP we had and the type of president we could have had--another vice president visits Wahhabi-Central Saudi Arabia to denounce the “racist” actions of the Bush Administration in the wake of 9/11.
Speaking at the Jiddah Economic Forum, an event staged by oil-rich Saudi royalty, [former Vice President Al] Gore indicted the American government for its "terrible abuses" of Arabs since the 9-11 attacks on New York and Washington. Such treatment, he charged, played into the hands of al-Qaida.Minor charges, eh? Okay. I suppose that actually enforcing the immigration laws of this country is an anathema to people like Vice President Gore. (To be fair, however, the Bush Administration has been horrible in enforcing these same laws as they apply to those from south and north of our borders—even considering the fact that a relatively small number of those actually have visas/green cards.)And just what was the nature of these abuses? Arabs had been "indiscriminately rounded up, often on minor charges of overstaying a visa or not having a green card in proper order, and held in conditions that were just unforgivable."
But two things stand out about the former vice president’s charges. First, as the Investor’s Business Daily article points out
[f]ifteen of the 19 al-Qaida hijackers on that fateful day, a day that saw 3,000 Americans go to their fiery deaths, a day that created thousands more orphans, were Saudi citizens. Those hijackers lived undetected in this country precisely because immigration authorities had been permissive.Arab Muslims subscribing to the Wahhabi sect of Islam--determined to create the "Caliphate on Earth" by any means necessary, including inflicting the most grievous wound [then] possible on the "Great Satan".
Second, what is indicated when a former US vice president travels overseas to any destination—much less the seat of Islamo-fascism—to criticize any action of his government—much less the steps it has taken to prevent further terrorist attacks in his country?
Both Presidents Bush’s and Clinton’s love-hate ratio were/are roughly evenly divided. It seems odd that both men would pick two such unsuitable men as their seconds-in-command. But the difference lies here: Vice President Cheney knows that he will not run for president in 2008, so he does what he wants. Former Vice President Gore nearly became president in 2000 and I suspect that he may be gearing up for a run in 2008. He pretty much watched his step during the Clinton Administration--likely due to his presidential plans--but in the wake of his narrow defeat in 2000 no holds seem to be barred for him. He, too, does what he wants, more frighteningly so than the present VP. Was he always like this or did 2000 derange him? Regardless, would you—even you leftists out there—want a man like the former vice president to lead this country?
There are many people who have been clamoring for the impeachment of President Bush due to the NSA Terrorist Surveillance Program. Consider who would be president, should such a misguided effort succeed. Additionally, there are some who think that Vice President Cheney should resign because of the hunting accident; fair enough—the shooting incident is ugly, no matter how accidental. Consider further, however, who might be appointed as VP, should a resignation occur.
It’s almost as if all the stars are in alignment against those who hate the Bush Administration, its actions and what it stands for.
I submit that all VPs should wear an ankle bracelet and a one-way comms device at least ten years after the end of their last term.
“No, Dick, don’t go hunting. The Left already thinks you’re a maniac.”
“No, Al, stay away from the Saudis. The Right already thinks you’re unhinged.”
Just a thought. :-)
UPDATE: Harry Whittington had a mild heart attack.
Good for Al Gore. I wish he were this firey when he ran for President.
Maybe Cheyney should go hunting with Scalia again ;-)
Posted by: Justin | February 14, 2006 at 07:19 AM
When Reagan spoke in Japan after he assumed the mantle of "Former President," the MSM left no stone unturned in its quest to discover exactly how much his stipend amounted to.
I don't believe I'll hold my breath waiting for them to do the same in Gore's case, although it *would* be instructive to learn just what his price is--we could all chip in and pay him not to run in 2008...
Posted by: Hawksbill | February 14, 2006 at 07:55 AM
Poor Gore. He invented BDS, and then forgot to franchise it. I'd be barking mad, too.
Poor Justin. Now that PJ and Scott showed up he must be feeling like Alan Colmes when Charlie Rangel is on: all upstaged and outranked, moonbat-wise. Saaaaaaaaaaaad. But not for me. :-)
It might be fun to speculate who could replace Cheney. Condi?
Posted by: Teal Marie | February 14, 2006 at 08:19 AM
Whee! I got *you* a link on Hewitt! Dang, I'm good!
Posted by: John of Argghhh! | February 14, 2006 at 02:10 PM
:::bowing down::: (to John)
Posted by: baldilocks | February 14, 2006 at 06:30 PM
Rush is saying that this whole incident may have saved Whittington's life. He was going to have a heart attack anyway and having it in the hospital meant that he got treated immediately. In a way, he was lucky.
Posted by: Leonidas | February 14, 2006 at 07:51 PM
The whole discussion about Vice President Cheney's unfortunate hunting accident is nothing but scurrilous crap! The MSM is in meltdown mode over a trivial incident, the likes of which happen all too often in this country. I lost a very good friend in Montana under frighteningly similar circumstances in 1958. That is why I am not a hunter and why I am totally contemptous of the MSM that doesn't know the difference between a trigger and a safety, much less the difference between a sight, a stock and a gun barrel!
What is painfully obvious is that the MSM hasn't figured out that the Reichstag is burning -- for the second time. Strange isn't it that Fascists burned it down the first time (in 1933), and Islamo-Fascists and their leftwing allies started the fire the second time (the Danish Embassy in Syria). But yet, the MSM is blind to the bullying of the Islamo-Fascists and are more than willing to roll over and play dead while innocent people are murdered by the endless throngs of multiculturalist black shirts!
Posted by: Mescalero | February 14, 2006 at 07:55 PM
I've never gone quail-shooting, but I can understand how people can get exercised about it, to the point of forgetting safety rules.
It seems, according to what I've read, that the reason everybody wants to kill and eat quail is that they are, well, delicious.
Dang I wish I could remember the name of the book which claimed that even *ants* preferred the flavor of baby quail to that of other itty bitty birdies.
I know which way my cat would vote on this question. (It's worth a chance of gettin' shot from time to time for a chance at the ultimate yummy birdy!)
Posted by: Justthisguy | February 14, 2006 at 09:27 PM
I lost a very good friend in Montana under frighteningly similar circumstances in 1958.
Dang, Mescalero. How old *are* you?
My mother and step-father will turn 64 this year. My biological father is close to 70. My mom has no problems with the Internet Age (having learned about FORTRAN, et al. back in the day) , but my step-dad isn't having anything on the web. My biological father--the long-time journalist--is being pulled into computer stuff kicking and screaming.
Let's just say that I am impressed with you.
Posted by: baldilocks | February 14, 2006 at 09:53 PM
Boy you sure how to hit a guy below the belt. Let's just say that your mom and step-father and I could easily be college drinking buddies. My real age is classified higher than top secret, and I have the security clearance to prove it.
Besides all that, I really enjoy browsing you blog page. Keep up the good work. One of these days, when I finally decide to retire, I'll probably start up my on blog site.
Posted by: Mescalero | February 14, 2006 at 10:34 PM
baldilocks, it was an accident. I've never voted for Bush or Cheney, but to claim lack of "presidential material" over this seems ridiculous. condemn him for gun carelessness, sure. But if he is not presidential material, it's because of his actions as VP before this not because of this.
Posted by: Rachel | February 15, 2006 at 06:12 AM
Poor Justin. Now that PJ and Scott showed up he must be feeling like Alan Colmes when Charlie Rangel is on: all upstaged and outranked, moonbat-wise. Saaaaaaaaaaaad. But not for me. :-)
I'm outsourcing now--it saves a lot of time.
Posted by: Justin | February 15, 2006 at 07:45 AM
The whole discussion about Vice President Cheney's unfortunate hunting accident is nothing but scurrilous crap!
Probably, but the incident is kind of a microcosm of the way this administration acts in general--accidentally shoot an old guy in the face, be secretive about it, and try to blame the old guy for getting shot. Pure comic gold (Republicans got Kerry windsurfing and acting French, it'a about time we liberals get some good comedy on our side, to the extent someone getting shot can be funny).
Posted by: Justin | February 15, 2006 at 11:49 AM
"Rush is saying that this whole incident may have saved Whittington's life. He was going to have a heart attack anyway and having it in the hospital meant that he got treated immediately. In a way, he was lucky."
Pure comedy gold.
Has anyone explained away the beer and the babe?
Posted by: Pacific John | February 15, 2006 at 02:09 PM
Who in the administration tried to blame Whittington? Names and quotes, please.
Posted by: SmokeVanThorn | February 15, 2006 at 07:12 PM
Who in the administration tried to blame Whittington? Names and quotes, please.
White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan: "protocol was not followed by Mr. Whittington when it came to notifying others that he was there. And so, you know, unfortunately, these types of hunting accidents happen from time to time."
Posted by: Justin | February 15, 2006 at 08:04 PM
What planet in what far away galaxy do you live in??
You say this is the way Bush Administration "acts in general". Mister, were you born yesterday--have you ever heard William Jefferson Clinton take it on the chin like a real man? Forget it friend, that never happened, because Willy Clinton was a draft dodger who got his thrills from a neophyte female page while he was heaping contempt on our military forces in Kosovo. Got that mister!!!
So Cheney is secretive about what? The American people were just insulted by a 100-page redacted version of the Barrett Report which shows what kind of real leader we Americans supposedly (remember that Clinton never attained a majority in the 1992 and the 1996 elections) elected to the White House in 1992. God help us if we ever elect scum like that again.
Posted by: Mescalero | February 15, 2006 at 08:51 PM
Mescalero, Clinton hasn't been in office in 6 years, get over it. What's Bush's approval at now, like 40%?
Posted by: Justin | February 15, 2006 at 09:07 PM
Wake up mister. Draft dodger Willey is just back from Qatar, and guess what, he's horrified by the innocous cartoons of that warlord (oops prophet) Mohammed. Do you think that the blow-job champion of the White House has anything meaningful to say about current events?
So he's been out of office for six years. At $200,000 a pop, this scurrilous jackass sure knows how to wow the illiterate! For those of us who have done our homework, he says nothing. For those of us who are renegade Democrats who grieve for the ideals of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and Jack Kennedy you only verify why we are renegades. I long for the day when real Democrats can re-unite a political party that still believes in the ideals of the United States Constitution!!
Posted by: Mescalero | February 15, 2006 at 10:33 PM
Justin - That's "trying to blame the old guy?" Just as lame as I expected. For really blaming the other person, see the "Monica was a stalker" meme.
Posted by: SmokeVanThorn | February 16, 2006 at 07:50 AM
Lying about a blow job - criminal.
Convincing 70% of Americans that Saddam was behind 9/11 - priceless.
Posted by: Pacific John | February 16, 2006 at 09:06 AM
Wow, you're really upset about that blowjob. Bush's problems with the truth don't bother you at all?
Posted by: Justin | February 16, 2006 at 10:04 AM
Still waiting, justin. Or do you have problems with the truth?
Posted by: SmokeVanThron | February 16, 2006 at 10:31 AM
Smoke--I gave you the White House press secretary, you know, the guy who speaks for the White House, blaming Whittington. That pretty much answers your request, no?
Posted by: Justin | February 16, 2006 at 11:06 AM
FYI--I'm not making anything out of this incident--Cheyney stepped up the plate and took blame--the whole thing is just an unfortunate accident etc. . . I just think the White House's reaction to problem's is eerily consistent. I guess Whittington is lucky his wife wasn't a covert CIA agent ;-)
Posted by: Justin | February 16, 2006 at 11:08 AM
FYI--I'm not making anything out of this incident--Cheney stepped up the plate and took blame--the whole thing is just an unfortunate accident etc.
Oh, you innocent babe. If we believed everything Dick Cheney told FoxNews during damage control, we'd be as well informed as the North Koreans. I defy you to show me one time the Veep told the truth under pressure. Simply because of this 100% track record, the only safe assumption is that he's hiding something really embarrassing this time. So far, we know:
1) The guys was drinking before and after the shooting (Only one beer? Try that on the CHP. He has two DUIs on his record)
2) He was in a group that would give Clinton haters a wet dream.
3) The local cops were prevented from immediately investigating.
4) The wounds are far more serious than "peppering" with bird shot.
5) Hunters and gun owners everywhere know the story is very, very fishy. The way I was raised, I never have gone out with people who drink, I'd never screw around with loads that would turn a bird into a pink cloud, and goodness knows, I'd never go to a rich boy park to shoot dozens of birds with clipped wings.
Posted by: Pacific John | February 16, 2006 at 01:43 PM
Justin - There is no "blaming Whttington" in that statement.
Person accidentally bumps into Justin.
Bumper: Sorry, I didn't see you standing there.
Posted by: SmokeVanThorn | February 16, 2006 at 02:11 PM
Then what the #*#* does "protocol was not followed by Mr. Whittington when it came to notifying others that he was there" mean? If I get into a car accident and my response to what happened was that the other person was not obeying the traffice laws (not following driving protocol), I'd say I was trying to blame the other driver. I really don't understand what you don't get about that statement. It certainly not the biggest or most important "fib" told by this Administration. Again, I just think it's funny that the Administration's first reaction to everything is to obscure the truth (Katerina being the most recent example). I guess all President's are sort of the same, but this Administration seems to do it even when not really necessary.
Posted by: Justin | February 16, 2006 at 02:45 PM
Your notion - that the only possibilities open to someone discussing an incident are (1) maintaining silence about a salient fact about the conduct a person involved in the incident and (2) mentioning that fact, whereupon one is guilty of "blaming" another - is sophomoric.
Posted by: SmokeVanThorn | February 16, 2006 at 03:22 PM
Smoke--I have no idea what you are talking about. Do you know the definition of "blame"? Seriously, what am I missing here?
Posted by: Justin | February 16, 2006 at 03:35 PM
Pacific John--
Your comments are classic baloney! Let's take a quick look:
a). "If we believed everything Dick Cheney told FoxNews during damage control, we'd be as well informed as the North Koreans."
reply-- Given that most North Koreans are starving while Kim Jong il watches porno flicks, I can't help but agree with you that most North Koreans are uninformed. But what about Cheney and those of us who sympathize with his personal agony? Have you ever lost a good friend in a hunting accident? Do you know the difference between black powder and smokeless powder -- I doubt it. I lost a good friend in a hunting accident that was even more weird than the "non-fatal" accident involving the Vice President. The guy who pulled the trigger was a basket case for years after that. If, instead, the Vice President was a Democrat my views on this unfortunate incident would be exactly the same.Your snide remarks are nothing more than uninformed crap!
b). The guy(s) was drinking before and after the shooting..."
reply-- And your "reliable" source for this tasty little piece of nonsense is...?
c). He was in a group that would give Clinton haters a wet dream
reply-- Clinton has lot's of his own wet dreams. He certainly had plenty of them when he was in the White House.
d). Local cops were prevented from immediately investigating.
reply-- And you base this on which highly reliable MSM source?
e). The wounds are far more serious than "peppering" with bird shot.
reply-- Can you show me the size of no. 8 bird shot compared to that of a BB? Whittington, at last report, seems to be well on the road to recovery -- he's even doing some work while in the hospital. I guess that means he's a drunk, because we call people like that "workaholics".
f). Hunters and gun owners everywhere know the story is very, very fishy.
reply: From this statement I can only infer that you know neither gun owners nor hunters. Most hunters I know have stories to tell of similar incidents, they understand how situations like this happen, and they sure as Hell do everything they can to avoid shooting their hunting partners.
My advice to you is stop taking the MSM clowns seriously and start thinking for yourself.
Posted by: Mescalero | February 16, 2006 at 05:45 PM
Common sense? Logic? Knowledge?
Posted by: SmokeVanThorn | February 16, 2006 at 07:18 PM
Common sense? Logic? Knowledge?
Yeah, you don't possess any of these attributes!
Posted by: Mescalero | February 16, 2006 at 07:22 PM
A few ways to screw up when quail hunting, from a quail hunter of 30+ years' experience:
Hunt right through until the end of the day. Just because you're tired is no reason not to get a few more. When you flush and drop one, be sure to go looking for more birds rather than waiting for your hunting buddy to pick up his bird. He probably doesn't want to get in on that next covey anyway. Definitely don't forget to swing through the sun while tracking a fast riser, so that you can dazzle out your peripheral focus.
And when you come to rejoin your buddies from behind and they're on a covey point, don't say anything. Just because a dozen fast feathery things are going to start corkscrewing all over the place, and your buddies are going to start shooting at them, is no reason to let 'em know where you stand. Literally. When the birds do fly and the muzzles start swinging all over the place, remember to stand tall and proud, instead of ducking down.
By all means, do that "road hunting" thing. Why should you walk over all that terrain, with your friend's positions and your natural surroundings soaking into your hindbrain? Instead, jump in and out of a vehicle to "pot-hole" some birds. The extra adrenaline and complete lack of situational awareness makes it more fun!
With 90% of all hunting accidents, someone like me looking at the events picks out details like those, and mutters, "Coupla dumbasses." I see no reason to push this one into that other 10%.
(PS--mechanics--a #8 birdshot is 0.09 inches, a BB shot is 0.177 inches. BB's are twice the diameter and eight times the mass of #8 shot. Penetration and pattern of the wound consistent with 30 yard distance. Penetration of #8 through a shirt and thin cheap platic vest at stated distance is under an inch. Primary pattern impact was left chest, apex of left lung near heart. HIGHLY unlikely the shot got there through a neck vessel, it was probably direct impact penetration of the vessel in question.)
Posted by: Tully | February 17, 2006 at 10:58 AM
mescalero, you dip, my comment was directed as Justin, who asked what HE was missing. Dial it back
Posted by: SmokeVanThorn | February 17, 2006 at 02:27 PM
It would seem that Mr. Whitington arose from his bed, put on his suit and went home today(2/17), after a brief statement to the press.
A miracle!?!?
Posted by: StinKerr | February 17, 2006 at 04:31 PM
I know who you were aiming at, but that isn't the issue. You made some statements that were at best ludicrous. Justin obviously doesn't come across as particularly well informed on this unfortunate incident.
Posted by: Mescalero | February 17, 2006 at 08:01 PM
Is anyone old enough hear to remember CHAPPEQUIDICK ?????????
Its gay not too!!!!!!
Posted by: out of context guy {skinner] | February 18, 2006 at 02:04 AM
Tully youre a sack of shit lier
and an idiot no-one huts quail with bb loads thats like shooting
shooting deer with missle launchers youre a joke!! when I hunt with freinds we all walk together and have a plan whether its Quail or chuckars or turkeys Like you.
Posted by: out of context guy {skinner] | February 18, 2006 at 02:26 AM
One other thing mister 30 year quail hunter the reason for hunting as a group of no more than three , is because when you do flush quail up , they will fly in all directions , but usually away from the direction your walking towards { this is hunting without dogs]. When they fly behind you and you turn swing around to take a shot at them, your'e freinds will immediately kick the living shit out of you and youll hunt alone for the rest of youre life. No one I know hunts with these kind of idiots
Woul You? Thats why you stay close together and always Know where everyone else is What happened with Cheney is speculation What was the terrain ? how high the brush ?
How senile the victim/ and how trigger happy the Cheney ? No One Knows so keep yore trap shut
It took 20 years to find out half the story of chappequidek and theres still no charges filed against the fat assed, drunk silver spooned ,chickenshit,blow-hole-puff-faced lieing sack of shit senetor from Mass a two shits {kerry#2} So you a hole demo-lib-holes , So desperate for dirt, Might have to wait just as long as we have for the truth
Youre pathetic grasping at straws behavior is pathetic while hillarious P.S. No One died here or lied here THE BASIC DIFFERENCE between red and blue
Posted by: out of context guy {skinner] | February 18, 2006 at 02:54 AM
Tully I just re read youre quail hunting novel YOURE unbeleivable
" dont forget to swing through the sun so you can "DAZZLE" out you're Periferal focus" YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING !!! You are the guy that wrote Kerrys war memoirs . You have to be ... you are so completely full of it, my computer starts stinking when I read you posts so I have to hang an air freshenor on it. I gaurenty you Noone I Know ,plus all there freinds and neighbors , would last 2 minutes , on an easter egg hunt with you. Once you opened youre big dictionary scrabble mouth yould be DE-PANTSED and then flogged senceless.
Posted by: out of context guy {skinner] | February 18, 2006 at 03:21 AM
Skinner, hoss, did you miss the first sentence of Tully's post?
it said:
"A few ways to screw up when quail hunting, from a quail hunter of 30+ years' experience:"
Tully was being sarcastic. I can't tell if you are being sarcastic, too.
Tully's a good guy.
Are you just horsing around or what?
Posted by: Teal Marie | February 18, 2006 at 08:33 AM
Maybe I was dazzeled by the moniter or the beer or just pent up anger If i was misconscrewed I apologise to Tully SORRY GUY !!
The fact is I shouldnt vent so much but blogs make it easy Remember this is the secound time youve had to give me a scolding
Youre still my huckleberry though ( I pick you for fun person on this blog]
Posted by: out of context guy {skinner] | February 18, 2006 at 08:13 PM
Aw, skinner, that's good of you to apologize to Tully. Thanks for clearing that up. I really couldn't tell if you were joining in the sarcasm or bonkers with insomnia (noting the time posted.
I think you're fun, too. Genius at times, though you conceal it cunningly.
And I always wanted a pet wookie. 0:-)
Posted by: Teal Marie | February 18, 2006 at 09:22 PM
I will search wookie later so I can pretend it to be complementory
temporarilly Its late again
The "I'm youre huckleberry "deal
came from a movie about The OK
corrall with kevin costner { Over rated and arrogant] and Val kilmer ] playing Doc Holiday ,
doc holiday is dieing but knows Jhonnie Ringo is trying to gun down our hero wyatt Earp he rides out and gets between The Two because he knows Earp is a much slower draw . Earp is his buddie and he stops ringo in a draw and turns to him and says " IM youre Hukkleberry " Ringo trys to chickenshit out but Doc blows him away .. God I love this shit
It took me a long time to figure out what this I'M youre huckleberry was about ... finally it dawned on me... Pick Me Im youre..... Yea Im a Genius
Posted by: out of context guy {skinner] | February 19, 2006 at 02:22 AM
I learned about gun safety in the military. I guess Cheney didn't exercise that option?
Posted by: Dora Mia | February 20, 2006 at 07:14 AM
mescalero - Identify the "ludicrous statements" that I supposedly made in disagreeing with Justin, who you describe as "uninformed," and explain why they are supposedly ludicrous, or enroll in remedial reading class.
Posted by: SmokeVanThorn | February 21, 2006 at 08:20 AM
Cheney's done what every red-blooded American wants to do: bag a lawyer!
Posted by: Cappy | February 22, 2006 at 07:00 PM