Dead man, dead topic. Stanley “Tookie” Williams was executed first thing this morning. Somehow, we black people here in SCLA managed to control our “animal nature” and not riot, in spite of the cynical attempt by certain elements of the “Tookie” support to egg us on and in spite of those on the right (yes) who opined that LA residents needed to batten down the hatches.
Justice has been served.
UPDATE: Bay area headline:
Los Angeles 'quiet' after Williams executionThey seem shocked to find out that black Angelenos don't fit into their little pidgeon hole and seem oblivious to racism of the headline. Oh well.
Arnold Says No
To A Young One Who Is An Apologist For A Terrorist
Tookie Blogging
Good riddance to bad rubbish. Too bad it took 25 years. Don't care what color he was.Don't have patience for the race baiters looking for a (large, spotlit) venue. Can hardly wait for 'Cirque de Mumia'.........
Posted by: SpudIslander | December 13, 2005 at 09:54 AM
I'm just glad I didn't get whacked on the way to work this morning. I didn't think anyone really cared that much except the media. Looks like that was the case.
Posted by: caltechgirl | December 13, 2005 at 10:11 AM
Juliette, I wouldn't count your eggs before they are hatched on the rioting thing. Give it another 48 hours.
If a bunch of trouble-makers haven't been imported and torn the place up, then I'd breathe a bit more easy.
Posted by: wayne | December 13, 2005 at 10:32 AM
Wayne: do you have some actual knowledge or are you just speculating from whatever notions you're holding?
Posted by: baldilocks | December 13, 2005 at 10:38 AM
What a bunch of nonsense Wayne. Gang members get no love from black folks in the community. Most of the time they are "sickenly tolerated" due to fear and intimidation. Stop it with the comical assumptions, Wayne.
From what I read from the NY Times report, Stanley "Tookie" Williams accepted his fate and actually helped his execution along. And don't get all cynical and think it's easy to accept death. Think about it. 'Nuff said.
Posted by: T-Steel | December 13, 2005 at 11:01 AM
Why is it that when black people commit a crime and are sentenced to death\life in prison it is because they are black? WTF? If a white man killed 3 blacks and a hispanic he would be accused of committing a hate crime and the ethnice communities would not rest until he was put to death. The bottom line is VERY clear-When will people of color quit crying about racism and accept the fact that they are full of shit? If we had all white universities and groups for the advancement of whitey we would be racist. If Mr. Williams (RIP by the way), were to have done these crimes here in Texas he would have been put to death a long time ago. How much of the money that he made from books and stuff did he give back to the families of his victims, to the state of California for housing him for the last 25 years or so? We should all be greatful that he has steered youth away from the mistakes he made but the bottom line is if you do the crime you gotta do the time. I don't care what color you are but what is good for the goose has to be good for the gander-PERIOD. As far as Hollywood goes-get a life-go hug a tree and quit trying to act like you care. You can say what you want about me or what I have posted but think about it. People are afraid to speak about certain things, but you know if a white man was in his place nobody would give a shit. Texas has no problem putting people to death who deserve it and I am proud to live here for that reason, we don't care what race\sex\creed you are-your gonna fry if you are guilty...Don't get me wrong, my heart goes out to Mr. Williams' family and those close to him, but if it is true that he accepted his fate then you should too...
Posted by: TXJUSTICE | December 13, 2005 at 12:06 PM
Those people who point to the need to consider the past treatment of Blacks before judging their present acts remind me of the KKK. They also believed Blacks should be held to different standards.
Posted by: Walter E. Wallis | December 13, 2005 at 12:54 PM
Can we get Mumia while the nurse is still there?
Posted by: beautifulatrocities | December 13, 2005 at 12:55 PM
How much of the money that he made from books and stuff did he give back to the families of his victims?
According to Booklist, his biggest seller sold a whopping 330 copies. I'd say the creep gave zero back to the families of his victims
Posted by: beautifulatrocities | December 13, 2005 at 12:57 PM
Juliette said, "Somehow, we black people here in SCLA managed to control our “animal nature” and not riot." Do you mean black people can control themselves? Wow! Sarcasm off. By now "Tookie" will have meet his Maker and been judged. I was not there so I don't know where he is headed, I have my hopes. One of the things I am amazed at is the moral equivalence that some put with writing a childrens book and murder. This psychopath has been dealt justice and I would imagine the elites will move on to the next cause du jour.
Posted by: Chris | December 13, 2005 at 01:13 PM
We would like the opportunity to welcome Stanley to " BUDDHA HEADS " resting grounds. Have some Asian food and make yourself at home. By the way, I see you opened your Christmas present eary this year. Did you make growling noises? HA,ha,ha for 5 minutes. Termination effected by the Terminator Arnold. He says you'll be back?
Posted by: paofamily | December 13, 2005 at 01:15 PM
It wasn't a serious comment about actual knowledge of trouble, Juliette.
I had just heard the comment made about "waiting for 48 hours before anyone relaxes about rioting in LA" as an off-the-cuff remark on a local radio show here this morning and how this sort of thing would play out where I live in Milwaukee.
This importing of troublemakers thing happens often here. Our Congressional Rep. Gwen Moore and the father son team of Magee's are notorious for it.
Also quite often these Al Sharpton /Jesse Jackson wannabe local politicians venture out into the 'burbs to start trouble so they can export a riot into the neighboring communities.
They generally find some shopowner someplace at a mall where lacal cops and are nearby and they show up (seemingly coincidentally with a news team) and stage a ruckus where they can make like that community is a big haven for racism.
Then there is a small riot, a cop or 2 and a couple of (white) residents get roughed up and the whole city leadership apologizes to the instigator for their "insensitivity", the shopowner is fined for something, a cop is fired, and a gratuity is paid to the charity of the instigators choice.
The idea is to keep all us uppity suburb "rich" folk in line because of how much trouble they could cause us if we don't pony up to support the "poor, abused, minority folks that we abandoned" in Milwaukee.
Our lefty friends always manage to dig up a crowd of strangers / unknown local residents and local toughs whenever some big deal needs a protest.
When election times roll around our leftist freinds also import new residents from Chicago, as far away as Carolina, and they even raise up a bunch of dead people to insure proper election results.
We won't even talk about how many illegal immigrants suddenly become legal for a day.
Posted by: wayne | December 13, 2005 at 01:19 PM
T-Steel, don't keep apologizing for everything. Standley didn't! He wacked those people according to the judical system. Got a 25 year free ride. Wrote some kid books and tried to walk. That terminates it according to the terminator.
Posted by: paofamily | December 13, 2005 at 01:27 PM
Juliette, your first sentence said it all, and in four words at that.
The evidence was conclusive. He was guilty. He would not confess, never showed any sign of remorse for his crimes. Without those, there is no clemency, no consideration. No redemption without confession, no absolution without atonement. End of story.
Posted by: Tully | December 13, 2005 at 02:10 PM
I'm glad they executed him. He was so high and trying-to-be-mighty about preaching to youth about how not to end up in jail. His execution was the most powerful message he ever delivered. He should have used his execution for that message "if" he really was "a different man"...he should have accepted his punishment, which was just.
Posted by: Lisa | December 13, 2005 at 02:11 PM
Here's someone who maybe shouldn't be getting executed and who the Hollywood scum ought to defend!!!!
Posted by: wayne | December 13, 2005 at 02:16 PM
Maybe a little bit more attention ought to be payed to less well-known people who might truly have gotten screwed than that peice of garbage Tookie.
Posted by: wayne | December 13, 2005 at 02:18 PM
Me personally believe that all people can change! Tookie(R.I.P)did just that. He has been a big inspiration on alot of the youth. As you can see he had not only his race but races of all on his side to keep him alive. The death penalty should be taking away. Life in prison would suit people just fine. Now they took a man life whom has been changed in so many ways, which kids has looked up to through his book. The book that people in the government should be reading now is the bible which say "Dont take a life which u can give". Two wrongs dont make a right
Posted by: | December 13, 2005 at 03:21 PM
They keep talking about how Tookie was telling kids to stay out of gangs. Actions speak louder than words. With his execution, he has now sent a stronger message to kids: There are consequences for what you do.
Posted by: Lone Pony | December 13, 2005 at 05:09 PM
paofamily: Apologizing? Me? When? I know a former gang member personally (one of my best friends and Juliette knows him also). I've listened to this friend for hours on end. And he used the term "sickenly tolerated". I bow to the expert.
And some of us flippantly say things like "He got it easy" and stuff like that. Please! Death isn't easy to face in the slightest. "Tookie" got his and I'm fine with that.
Posted by: T-Steel | December 13, 2005 at 05:47 PM
Does the term FORGIVEN come to mind? We are not God so how could we even think about determining some ones fate. Tookie, accepting the Lord as his savior, changing his ways and being redeemed was all that was needed. The death penalty should be brought to an end. It is a childish way of seeking revenge. And revenge is the Lord's not ours, we are supposed to leave that to him, we can't take his work into our own hands. This country makes me sick and is full of ignorance rather than compassion and righteousness. America has become so corrupted that we don't even know what matters anymore. Stanley Tookie Williams innocent or not, is still forgiven. RIP
Posted by: Serena | December 13, 2005 at 08:00 PM
The term 'forgiven' only means something if one knows *what* it means and if one knows *who* is doing the forgiving, Serena. Did "Tookie" accept the Lord as Savior? Please expound on that. I know of no statement--first- or second-hand--that he did.
Honestly, I hope that he did. However, that doesn't exempt him from the *earthly* consequences of his actions.
Posted by: baldilocks | December 13, 2005 at 08:24 PM
Does seem rather anti-climactic. I'm glad there is no rioting; senseless destruction for something that's already happened makes headlines, but not much else.
I'm shocked that there isn't more MSM coverage on the "outrage" that he didn't get pardoned? Why are they so quiet? Then again, I only speak from what I see on the internet; I don't have cable TV (by choice).
Posted by: Cythen | December 13, 2005 at 10:25 PM
I m Deeply Shocked!!!!!
How they could do this to HIM, HOW??
I m young White Europen Woman living in The States and I see disriminatiom and racism every day!!!
If he was White HE would be alive!
Posted by: Anya | December 14, 2005 at 01:14 AM
You kill 4 innocent people and you get twenty five years in the waldorf rest and relaxation
people without souls dont sit there and worry about what they did They couldnt have done it in the first place if they had a concience Instead they try to snow stupid people in hollywood into thinking they'd
changed. They write books etc. they get notoriety from the press and theyr'e fell , in house, scumbags Ultimately they are too proud to apologize or too stupid to realise , thats what they needed to do playing both cards
and covering all bases this Tookie guy gambled and its too late . Well' never Know why he bluffed so long WHO CARES???
Posted by: Skinner | December 14, 2005 at 01:19 AM
Anya discrimination ?????
He was Black his victims were oriental and caucasion He murdered them. It doesnt matter if he was green and murdered 4 people that were ornge blue and purple He murdered 4 people they died and he spent 25 years in jail Well fed I might add
The nazis should have been so kind too the Jews who were guilty
of the crime of existing only
If youre so shocked by our barbaric form of justice I suggest you go back to europe
Posted by: Skinner | December 14, 2005 at 01:31 AM
WHERE do these Europians get theyre, holier than thow, attitudes? We are the ugly Americans that save there asses
over and over again And were doing it Now all over again. These ungratefull countries like France and Germany Need to teach History in there schools There a bunch of chickenshits who sit back and let us make all the sacrafices for them . To keep them safe . they call us the ugly americans THEY ARE THE PATHETIC EUROPIANS Spineless wonders
Spain got a new socialist president after terrorist bombed there train they then pulled there troops from Iraq Guess what the terroris didnt giv a shit they attacked Spain again
All thes Idiot liberals want us to run away from Iraq Will guess what when we leave France and Germany are next on the terrorist list If these chickenshits cant help us they should at least SHUT THE HELL UP cause they'RE NEXT
Posted by: Skinner | December 14, 2005 at 01:51 AM
ANYA I AM The young Amewican wacist that you see evwy day discwiminating aginst the vewy
vewy young euro bimbos ,whats now in dis country , will you go to disco mits me?
Posted by: Skinner | December 14, 2005 at 02:00 AM
I think a significant number of people see discrimination because they want to see discrimination. If they couldn't be a victim or see victims everywhere then they would have to take responsibility for their own inadequacies.
If the truth be known the vast majority of us are busy just living our lives and providing for our families to have time to discriminate agains't anyone and the race hustlers have been pretty effective in convincing us that we just don't understand what it is to be Black.
The vast majority of Black families want exactly the same things that all of us desire. Those are the people who need to be encouraged to understand that they do have the ability to compete and be the best they can be.
The worst thing to happen to Blacks is liberals who only consigned them to the liberal plantation and tried to convince them they could not succeed. The fact that lage number have succeed on their own is an indication that they always had the ability.
People like Tookie only served to keep other Blacks in slavery by creating fear. He was executed because he wontonly executed four people, not because he was Black.
The only thing the Crips and the Bloods did was to act as slave holders and to convince a number of disadvantage youths that crime was the only thing they were capable of. This to me is his real crime agains't a whole group of people and humanity. How many young Blacks died because of him? He killed them as sure as any criminal, cop or the justice system.
Posted by: Dennis | December 14, 2005 at 06:42 AM
Justice has been served.
Posted by: Jack | December 14, 2005 at 01:06 PM
There is a bright side to all the noise about the despicable Tookie, however. The uproar has given more attention to several cases of people on death row in various places who may indeed deserve some additional higher review and commutations. Such as Corey Maye.
Posted by: Tully | December 14, 2005 at 03:11 PM
I'm just happy because once again I got to see all those Leftwing morons agitate and agitage to no avail whatsoever. LOL! so sweet.
Posted by: David | December 14, 2005 at 04:08 PM
The more and more I think about how some people thought black folks were going to riot after "Tookie's" death, the more pissed off I become. I really want to crack down on those folks hard but...
I just leave it at that.
Posted by: T-Steel | December 14, 2005 at 07:09 PM
I would have loved to see all those hippie Leftwingers riot and get clubbed over the head and shot with rubber bullets. That would have been amazing. lol!
Posted by: David | December 14, 2005 at 08:09 PM
God bless the Iraqi voters!! Got purple finger?
Posted by: torchy | December 14, 2005 at 09:45 PM
Do some research, Anya. You'd look less like a fool if you did.
Here's a clue. You will see for youself that of the twelve inmates executed since the reinstitution of the death penalty in California, nine have been white and two have been black.
Don't just parrot the party line, Anya. Think for yourself and investigate.
Posted by: StinKerr | December 15, 2005 at 01:52 AM
personally i think whether you find Christ, convert to Islam or whatever doesn't mean anything--liberals advocate separation of church and state.....a person's private thoughts and conscience are theirs and are no grounds for exoneration. only if there was tampered evidence or lack of DNA should he have been spared. becoming a good christian in jail has NOTHING to do with the law-if you are guilty you must accept the punishment that has been prescribed to you-this was church and state separation personified greatly -liberals should be happy about this.
Posted by: nadsy | December 15, 2005 at 10:56 AM
personally i think whether you find Christ, convert to Islam or whatever doesn't mean anything--liberals advocate separation of church and state.....a person's private thoughts and conscience are theirs and are no grounds for exoneration. only if there was tampered evidence or lack of DNA should he have been spared. becoming a good christian in jail has NOTHING to do with the law-if you are guilty you must accept the punishment that has been prescribed to you-this was church and state separation personified greatly -liberals should be happy about this.
Posted by: nadsy | December 15, 2005 at 10:57 AM
StinKerr--from the Department of Justice:
Of persons executed in 2004:
-- 36 were white
-- 19 were black
-- 3 were Hispanic (all white)
-- 1 Asian
So 1/2 of people executed in 2004 were minorities, way out of proportion with their representation in the population as a whole.
It's been shown over and over again that, even controlling for other factors, you are much more likely to be executed if you are not white. This has nothing to do with whether Tookie deserved the death penatly, I'm just painting it out.
Posted by: justin | December 15, 2005 at 11:39 AM
that's because minorites commit crime way out of proportion with their representation in the population as a whole.
And I'm hispanic by the way, so eff you if you're thinking I'm a racist.
Posted by: David | December 15, 2005 at 11:44 AM
More relevant statistics are here. Just so we can cut through all the PC bull, or endless arguments that cite the race of those executed but never somehow manage to note the demographics of convicted murderers overall.
So 1/2 of people executed in 2004 were minorities, way out of proportion with their representation in the population as a whole.
Justin, you badly need a basic math refresher. Since when is 39% "half"?
Posted by: Tully | December 15, 2005 at 02:23 PM
More relevant statistics are here. Just so we can cut through all the PC bull, or endless arguments that cite the race of those executed but never somehow manage to note the demographics of convicted murderers overall.
So 1/2 of people executed in 2004 were minorities, way out of proportion with their representation in the population as a whole.
Justin, you badly need a basic math refresher. Since when is 39% "half"?
Posted by: Tully | December 15, 2005 at 02:23 PM
Apologies, the new "test" screen caught me.
Posted by: Tully | December 15, 2005 at 02:24 PM
Tully--you're right. I was looking at a statistic from 2001 (I think) and then updated with the newer stat. Thought I changed the math before I hit "post".
I think that the real problem with capital punishment isn't so much race bias per se, but that class bias in that those able to afford a good lawyer are much more likely to not get executed. That is why I am overall against capital punishment. Not necessarily because I have a problem with death as a punishment for serious crimes, but because our system is not good enough to have no errors when it comes to capital punishment. Look at Illinois, where several people were saved from death row by a Nortwestern U journalism class. If it wasn't for those students, those people, who are innocent, would now be dead.
I really do wish Hollywood types would stop publicizing people like Tookie and Mummia, and champion cases of people who are actually innocent.
Posted by: justin | December 15, 2005 at 02:58 PM
Tully--thanks for the link. I agree, this is a debtate/question that can be settled with good statistics.
Posted by: justin | December 15, 2005 at 03:09 PM
That's my major objection to the death penalty--mistakes ARE made. And once sentence is executed, it's too late for do-overs and take-backs.
My objection to abolishing it is that all too often life in prison doesn't mean anything like. The DP can be quite appropriate, both as applied and balanced justice and as societal insurance against repeaters. The recidivism rate for released (and escaped) killers is far from insignificant. The recidivism rate for executed killers is zero. Zip. Nada.
A lot of the stats on the DP right now reflect the wave of drug violence over a decade ago. Those folks are just now hitting the end of the appeals line, and facing their day of final judgement. I won't argue that the DP isn't biased in places, especially in places where all-white juries try black defendants. In individual cases it may well be. But I think you need to look at the crimes themselves and compare them to the penalty imposed. Otherwise it isn't apples & apples, it's apples & oranges. A surface view isn't a good one in this case.
Full disclosure--once every coupla years I make the trip to a parole hearing to testify on behalf of a friend. The man (and I use that term loosely) who shot my friend twice in the back of the head as he lay face-down on the floor after handing over the $38 in the register, was sentenced to "life." To date he has served fourteen years, and I started attending those hearings after a mere seven years, when he first became eligible for early release on his "life" sentence. We've changed the laws since then. Today he'd get death, 25 (real) to life, or the "hard 40" (40 years, NO parole, no "good behavior" time, forty years in effin' prison period). But the laws he was sentenced under are the ones that apply to him.
My friend was black, the man who killed him was black. Had it happened in California, he might have been cellmates with Tookie. Damn near identical to that first Tookie robbery/murder.
Posted by: Tully | December 15, 2005 at 03:54 PM
Now me, I've never fluffed my citations...(NOT!) Thank you for checking it out, Justin.
Cla$$ bias may indeed play a big role. Certainly poor people have a much harder time defending themselves, regardless of guilt. I mean, OJ's still looking for the real killer...who is apparently a Florida golfer.
Posted by: Tully | December 15, 2005 at 03:59 PM