If Joseph Wilson and Cindy Sheehan had to fight for a single spot in front of a camera, who would win?
(Thanks to LGF)
Member of the Funny Name Club
I vote for Wilson. He's got the street fighter instincts - look at how he skated the truth in testimony, yet avoided out-right lying. That's a standard to shoot for.
Cindy's just got a leaky pair of eyes, and a foul mouth. And, she's even less photogenic than Joe. Which isn't easy to do.
Posted by: Linda F | November 02, 2005 at 02:47 AM
I'd go with Wilson... unless Jeff Keys was nearby and able to smack Joe Wilson with his purse.
Posted by: V the K | November 02, 2005 at 05:00 AM
I think all of us would win, because there would be no survivor.
Posted by: Tully | November 02, 2005 at 06:32 AM
To think about it there were probably slightly more Cindy Sheehans in the World Trade Center in New York on September of 2001 by percentage of populaton than normal. They had probably been against the first Gulf War and were at that time pro-Saddam because he was pro-Arafat. There were probably plenty of people in those towers that had no problem with bringing Arafat back to the West Bank in the first place and also had no problem with the ensuing murders of Jewish and Palestinian citizens and then calling that whole mess the responsibilty of someone else. All the while that was happening they were speaking encouragingly of Arafat like they had since the 1960s and 70s (much like Cindy). These New Yorkers were probably up in those towers believing that the suicide bombers of the middle-east could never reach them and could only reach some more deserving people I suppose. And they were probably of the mind that their poor wonderful Saddam could never be in on a terrorist attack in collusion with Al Qaeda like he very likely was in 1993. And down those people went on September 11, 2001. And then, remarkably but predictably, off their nearest of kin and soul then went to more organizations that were pro-Saddam and Arafat and they still believed that without any doubt whatsoever that Saddam would not be in on such a thing, period.
Could you just imagine the likes of one of these uncomprehending and ridiculous Arafat-Saddam supporters watching a plane hit the very floor they are on? It would resemble the notions of a lemming's mind as it was hitting the rocks below.
Maybe we could all say "who cares anymore with a country full of people like this one." Afterall they have said and done pre-911, and post-911, it is obvious that enough of these New Yorkers have shown absolute and utter deep contempt with those people who they have associated with this war on terror. I suppose they think that by being anti-whatever they are hurting someone else's country or some such thing.
Think also of this, they elected Hillary Clinton in New York and she (her brother) received money from Marc Rich after he was pardoned. That would be the Marc Rich that traded illegally in the oil-for-food deal. That would be the oil that went to the Island of Curacao on behalf of the Saddam loving Hugo Chavez. A Hugo Chavez who has a man by the name of Tarek (Tariq) William Saab that appears to have been in on 911 through an associate of Hani Hanjour. The Hani Hanjour that made a mysterious trip to San Francisco all by himself before 911. The San Francisco that Kerry addressed his Iranian constituency at and Clinton's Chinese friend tried to import illegal firearms that were siezed by the BATF. That would be the Hillary Clinton who was part of the copresidency that freed the Cuban Intelligence asset The Macheteros and then had Cuban intelligence operatives working in large numbers in the city of Washington D.C. That would be the same Cuban Intelligence personel that are part of Venezuela's government that Jimmy Carter helped win an election. This could be seen in the conext of China's influence over Cuba, Panama, Venezuela and Iran now.
But who cares, lets make Cindy Sheehan head of Homeland Security and Joe Wilson head of Military Intelligence.
Make Richard Durbin head of the CIA and make Barbara Boxer Secretary of State and Harry Reid the president.
It would be lighting the fuse but you'll need to remember to run.
Posted by: | November 02, 2005 at 06:58 AM
As for Venezuela I should also mention that it has a Muslim population of 500,000. Many Muslims with laundered identities now live there including Taliban that fled Afghanistan.
Tarek William Saab is of Middle-East extraction and he is Chavez's lawyer. Tarek interfered in the prosectution of the Hezbollah (under control of Iran) group responsible for the Jewish Community Center bombing in Argentina in 1994.
It is also curious to note that Libya had advisors working in Venezuela presumably for helping Venezuela's oil companies. And it was from somewhere in the Carribean that a security person had told the CIA, or FBI, that Libya had hired someone to crash planes into US targets.
Posted by: Steve | November 02, 2005 at 07:12 AM
Since I be in the fifth grade (even though me are 35), they be teachin' me to share. So here am mah udder interesses: Godzilla Vs. King Kong, Crunchy Peanut Butter Vs. Smooth, Ninja Turtles Vs. Power Rangers.
baldilocks says: Thanks for visiting, brayker and for allowing me to engage in one of my favorite pasttimes: editing troll comments.
Posted by: brayker | November 02, 2005 at 08:28 AM
I'd take Joe Wilson, unless Cindy claimed to be yellow cake. Then he'd never see her coming.
Posted by: the Pirate | November 02, 2005 at 09:17 AM
At least Mr. Murphy could stand on his own two feet and come up with a response without editing my original intention, by comparison you come off like a thirteen year old modifying signs to say naughty words.
baldilocks says: Oh now you've really hurt my feelings, brayker. Because I'm really trying to impress drive-by propagandists like yourself. Feel free to come back after you've finished spamming to entire Bear Flag League.
And if you knew anything about women, you'd know that most of us don't care about being compared to teenagers.
I'll part with a quote, after that feel free to grab your crayon and mark up this comment.
baldilocks says: Since I have your permission (talk about hubris) I will.
"Those who can, blog; those who can't, troll. Afterward, the latter will run like the cowards they are."
- Ochieng
Posted by: brayker | November 02, 2005 at 10:12 AM
The fight would be so brutal that neither could stand in front of the camera afterwards. So the American people would win.
Posted by: Will | November 02, 2005 at 10:13 AM
You know, it's really not wise to try to be rude to/act superior to/taunt someone who has complete control over how your words appear.
If I were a gambling woman I'd pput my moneyy on Wilson.
Posted by: Samantha | November 02, 2005 at 10:38 AM
Wilson by a mile.
Posted by: Attila Girl | November 02, 2005 at 11:00 AM
Really? Most ladies I know like to think of themselves are relatively emotionally mature, I suppose those may be just the ones I know.
baldilocks says: Oh now you've really wounded me! I guess I'll fold up like the emotional cripple I am and shut down the blog in disgrace. NOT. Nice try, however.
In the interest of full disclosure though I did leave my (valid) email address for you to respond to in the off chance that you came up with something other then quoting yourself.
baldilocks says: Sorry but this blog is not a 'find a friend' service; I have no interest in emailing you.
Props for leaving the majority of my text alone this time, a minor thumbs down for removing the Murrow quote, but I can see how it might be counter productive to the kind of atmosphere you're trying to cultivate here.
baldilocks says: Because it's all about what *you* think and *your* rating system of what goes on here, isn't it, brayker? No wonder you've sqealed so loudly when I brought up a couple of *other* prominent narcissists.
There are plenty of regular posters here who disagree with me without getting their comments edited. What qualities do they possess that you have yet to demonstrate? Most are polite, aren't condescending and don't make unwarranted assumptions.
Oh, and finally, I'm not spamming the "Bear Flag League", you'll note that I've really only bothered checking out people's blogs who directly responded to my comments on Mr. Murphy's site, and even then my reactions have been about 50/50 postive/negative.
As for being a drive by propagandist, I guess I'm willing to hang around if you want me here.
baldilocks says: You'll note that you haven't been banned. Time will show whether you have learned from your mistakes or not.
Posted by: brayker | November 02, 2005 at 11:13 AM
If Joe Wilson and Cindy Sheehan had to fight for a
spot in front of a news camera who would win? No
contest: Wilson. He's bigger, and would block Sheehan
out of the picture. You'd never hear him, though;
Sheehan's screeching from off-camera would drown out
his monotone drone.
Posted by: malcolm kirkpatrick | November 02, 2005 at 11:24 AM
Chuck Schumer would of course kick both of their asses, and would still be spitting out pieces of Joe Wilson's enormous, blow-dried head and Cindy Sheehan's gigantic thighs throughout the whole interview.
Posted by: V the K | November 02, 2005 at 11:40 AM
Alright, I'm not going to cut\paste as it will just bring us to ever lengthening posts, but:
'NOT'? Really?
Heh, you're taking me a little out of context on the 'find a friend' service, obviously I was just trying to point out that I left a paper trail in the off chance that you gave a damn, but still, cute.
As for my 'rating system' I really don't have one beyond what I'd consider civilized discourse. Is it narcissistic of me to have an opinion? If I posted it to a blog and encouraged others to come read it, would it make me less so?
My real point, which I put across poorly in my original post: don't you feel a little weird posting about two public figures fighting for a camera? It feels like it reduces your content to the same gutter level of those on the left who caption photos of prominent Republicans with genitalia talk.
Posted by: brayker | November 02, 2005 at 11:55 AM
Between you, baldilocks, and the rest of us here there is only one, and that is yourself, that would even remotely consider that your words are anything more than a beer burp.
So please, gas-bag, make like a released balloon and and flatulate yourself quickly away and shrink down to the empty limp rubber trash that you are.
Posted by: Steve | November 02, 2005 at 01:05 PM
Actually I was just thinking he had a point, and all of a sudden I'm feeling kind of queasy at your type of retort Steve.
Leave my Grand Old Party if you can't handle us being a Big Tent.
Posted by: wyrd | November 02, 2005 at 03:19 PM
brayker: no.
wyrd: ????
Posted by: baldilocks | November 02, 2005 at 03:21 PM
I just think we should get Wilson and Sheehan together for a cage match, and sell it to pay-per-view to help offset the deficit.
And then we all win. Except them.
Posted by: Tully | November 02, 2005 at 03:25 PM
brayker: 'no' to the first question also. It isn't narcissistic of you to have an opinion. It *is* narcissistic of you to believe that I care about your opinion of this post.
Yes, I am a narcissist also, as most people with a blog are. However, I am not raging enough in my pathology to go around to the blogs of others rudely expressing my opinion of their opinion.
And if I were, hopefully I'd understand if I were greeted less than cordially.
Posted by: baldilocks | November 02, 2005 at 03:31 PM
wyrd said to me: Leave my Grand Old Party if you can't handle us being a Big Tent.
This is interesting. wyrd thinks he has a party of his own that I also belong to and that he can also tell someone to leave as though they are known to be "in" the party in the first place. I've actually never given a political party a dime yet. The only thing I've ever given so far is my vote. My choice of who I vote for does not put me in a party it only places me as an individual citizen of the country.
Posted by: Steve | November 02, 2005 at 04:02 PM
Sandy Berger would step up to the camera after stuffing Wilson and Sheehan into his socks.
Posted by: AJackson | November 02, 2005 at 06:34 PM
Bill Clinton! His use of Rosa Parks' funeral to showcase himself was shameful.
Posted by: cube | November 03, 2005 at 10:34 AM
If Joseph Wilson and Cindy Sheehan had to fight for a single spot in front of a camera, who would win?
Chuck Schumer!
Posted by: F | November 03, 2005 at 11:17 AM
Awwww, F, you said it before I could. "The most dangerous spot in Washington is between Chuch Schumer and a camera"
Posted by: Tony | November 04, 2005 at 12:20 PM
Steve if you read between the lines of a number of your "friends" responses to some of your past posts you might think twice about brandishing the term gasbag. But dont let me hold you up Steve. Your free New York Times select trial memebership is only good for about 14 days and I dont want to slow you down from educating yourself about something you had such strong views about at least 15 days ago.
Posted by: Bill O.. | November 04, 2005 at 10:56 PM
One of these days I'm going to make a lumpy footstool out of you, Bill O.
Posted by: teal marie | November 04, 2005 at 11:35 PM
Bill O,
No Bill, I wasn't the one with strong views about the New York Times. I was having fun with it because, like I said, it was a pretty petty subject, but lets not get into all that again. It is refered to as a liberal paper by most people in this world. When people use that word they understand that there are exceptions to that rule. But like everything and everyone else in this world, those speaking or those doing the listening, for the most part, already understand that. But rather than say "liberal, but except for blah blah and blah" they just say "liberal". Nothing wrong with that. But lets leave the subject alone because there are other more real things to me that I've got to spend my time on.
Posted by: Steve | November 05, 2005 at 12:44 AM
Teal Marie I have yet to see you post anything that comes remotely close to an interesting or origianl thought of your own. So far your comments have been pretty much in the vain of "me too what Baldi thinks" or "you are a troll and you smell like farts". And while we can go back and forth about what defines a troll and whether or not I am being trollish in most cases I am trying to argue an actual point. I would suggest that if you review your own past content free posts you might be looking at the troll in mirror. So now I will admittedly be completely trollish in saying this to you Teal Marie: While a many people who post tend to present things in a more thought out and intersting way (even the ones I disagree with) you dont. If you are as superficial, uncreative and semi-literate as your postings suggest then you must be a painfully boring person in the real life.
Posted by: Bill O.. | November 05, 2005 at 06:01 AM
Q: If Joseph Wilson and Cindy Sheehan had to fight for a single spot in front of a camera, who would win?
A: Jesse Jackson.
Posted by: Noel | November 06, 2005 at 01:53 PM