I don't know about you, but to my untrained eye, Hurricane Rita looks like its going to smack New Orleans also give New Orleans a supplemental smack.
Member of the Funny Name Club
Since no=one else has commented I
Will once again do my meteorlogicless evaluation of this storm based on songs containing the Hurricanes Name
1st in mind Lovely" Rita meter maid ". " May I inquire descretely" Yea you better inquire descretely Buster-Bob
Cause shes come to collect some overdue fees " for crying out loud" " If you know whatI mean " Nudge NUDGE Nudge nudge . I hope she gets a run in her stockink and runs home
Posted by: Skinner | September 22, 2005 at 10:40 PM
What more could another hurricane to to NO? It's already distroyed. We would only have to pay for rebuilding once. Whereas, if it strikes somewhere else, we will be paying for reconstruction twice; NO and somewhere else. Just let Rita finish it off and we can start rebuilding from scratch.
Posted by: Razorgirl | September 23, 2005 at 10:02 AM
The levee at the ninth ward has been topped and water is flowing back in as of around 11am CDT.
Posted by: wayne | September 23, 2005 at 10:54 AM
Maybe NO getting drowned again is God's way of saying "GET OUT AND STAY OUT"!!
Posted by: wayne | September 23, 2005 at 10:55 AM
It's been a while but I seem to remember something about building on rock, not on sand. Building under the water level doesn't seem to be all that good an idea either.
Yes, the Dutch do it, but they do a much better job of it and don't divert their energies and money to gambling casinos, costly parks and other corrupt practices.
I heard O'Reilly ask a Corps of Engineers officer (Colonel or higher, I'm not sure) if he could have all the money he needed how long would it take to protect NOLA from anything nature could throw at it. The officer said it would take years, maybe decades, to make NOLA hurricane proof even with an unlimited budget.
Then there's the environmentalist lobby. [eye roll icon here] Those folks fought the idea of control gates on Lake Ponchartrain to prevent storm surges, and won. NOLA lost.
I've only been there once and I enjoyed the experience. I hope that the lady I enjoyed it with is now beating feet out of Houston.
[I just called her and she's still in Houston...oh well]
Posted by: StinKerr | September 23, 2005 at 09:29 PM
The environmentalist can suck Lake ponchatrain !!! Lake Ponchartrain isnt a real lake whos ever heard of a saltwaterlake that isnt a dumbass Morman Lake Ponchatrain is something out of the Bullwinkle cartoons I used to watch with amazement The fact is OUR HEROES ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE Would do a much better job . So
WHY ??? I guess is my question; were they forced into early retirement and taken off the air????
Posted by: Skinner | September 24, 2005 at 12:23 AM
Posted by: Rocky J. And Bulwinkle | September 24, 2005 at 12:26 AM