Flooding is still an issue in New Orleans and the report of Katrina tearing a hole in the roof of the Superdome sounded ominous. The city isn’t out of trouble yet, but it’s nice to see that predicted reports of New Orleans’ utter destruction were greatly exaggerated.
The “Great Satan” wobbles, but doesn’t fall. Hear that, Enemies? I’m even will to bet that we’ll weather (no pun intended) the consequent shortage of oil and the upswing in its price. After all, it’s only the law of supply and demand in action, with an act of God tossed in for excitement.
Let’s face it. It was supposed to be worse.
Meanwhile, pray for those who are still in Katrina’s path. She’s still a raging bag of wind and water.
UPDATE: Evil Progressive asks:
Why do you have to politicize natural disasters?Hmm, I've looked up and down this short post and found nothing about politics. There is a mention about America's enemies, but there's nothing political about that. Perhaps Evil Progressive has a guilty conscience. Confession's good for the soul, EP.
UPDATE: 6:56 PM PDT For those who didn't notice, this isn't the most recent post regarding the disaster wrought by Hurricane Katrina. As has been noted in subsequent posts, the situation has worsened.
And your point is?
Thank goodness,this hurricane is not as bad as previously thought, but it has already caused an anormous amount of damage and the worst is not over yet.
As for the disruption of oil supplies, it is obvious that these are a short-term phenomenon.
Again, what's your point? Why do you have to politicize natural disasters?
Posted by: Evil Progressive | August 29, 2005 at 06:49 PM
Everything isn't about you, Progressive. Not unless you're one of America's enemies.
Posted by: baldilocks | August 29, 2005 at 07:10 PM
Well, you've mentioned God and praying, both of which have become politicized since approximately January 20,2001.
It would appear that you've gone and politicized the weather. [eye roll]
Posted by: StinKerr | August 30, 2005 at 04:45 AM
By using "Great Satan" you are directing your comment to the extremist Muslims. Indeed, you are implying a connection between them and the "attack" of a hurricane upon our country. Your comment boils down to "God protected New Orleans from complete destruction and is thus on our side against our Muslim enemies." That is a little nutty. Plus, there is no analogy between a hurricane and oil economics. That too was a little nutty. And from what I've read about "Peak Oil" the "weathering" phase will not be at all pleasant.
Posted by: hello | August 30, 2005 at 05:23 AM
"The “Great Satan” wobbles, but doesn’t fall. Hear that, Enemies?"
If this is not a nutty political statement, it is at best a non-sequitur.
Even hurricanes sre proof that God is on our side, now. You have lost it.
Posted by: Evil Progressive | August 30, 2005 at 05:37 AM
Evil Progressive,
WTF? Cannot a heartfelt message about the hurricane and the feelings that Juliette has about it and its consequences (or lack thereof)be posted on this blog without you trying to parse every sentence into something controversial?
Posted by: Montie | August 30, 2005 at 05:56 AM
So, by mocking the worldview of some of those who have declared themselves to be our enemies, and by expressing pride in the capabilities of our country to accept and recover from damage, Juliet has "politicized" a natural disaster?
I don't think so. Expressed a viewpoint that some would consider chauvinistic, perhaps, but nothing more than that. Or do you believe everything to be political?
Posted by: wheels | August 30, 2005 at 06:05 AM
Evil Progressive and hello:
In case you need a reminder--an you apparently do--Islamists (not all Muslims) are the only enemy that refers to us as "the Great Satan." They want us dead. Some of them laughed and gave out candy on 9/11 and I'm sure they would have done the same had NO been destroyed.
If you want to have a cow because I spit in eye of...our...declared enemies, that says more about your issues and allegiances than any of the fantasy inferences that you imagine are here.
Posted by: baldilocks | August 30, 2005 at 07:02 AM
Baldilocks... you might try first reading the comments. I clearly stated the Great Satan meant you were addressing the extremist Muslims-- Islamists if you will.
However... in this post you also tempt God. A dangerous thing to do. You also express hubris rather than humility in the face of God's mercy and chastisement. Also a dangerous thing to do. If you don't know what all that means you are not qualified to discuss anything theological.
The fact that the hurricane veered to the East says nothing at all about us or our enemies, nor does it send any kind of message to them, as you would want. It says nothing at all about our character as a people.
Posted by: hello | August 30, 2005 at 07:45 AM
hello: I did indeed read your comment and specifically addressed this: "Your comment boils down to "God protected New Orleans from complete destruction and is thus on our side against our Muslim enemies."
...and pointedly called B.S. I was taunting man, a specific group of men. You should bother to read what I said and take it at face value instead of inserting your own imaginingsinto it regarding what I mean.
in this post you also tempt God. No; I don't even mention or allude to God. What I *did* apparently do is tweak some of...our...earthly enemies. Thinking it would give me pause, you brought God into it. It bothers you that I would taunt our enemies. Why is that?
If I have something to say, believe me, you won't have to try to guess what it is. The false narrative that you have made up for me tells me one of two things.
1. You sympathize with our enemies and are using God as a rhetorical weapon with which to counter, or
2. You have a reflexive need to disagree with anyone who has conservative in front of their name and are using God as a rhetorical weapon with which to counter.
Of course, this could be a "false" dichotomy. I've seen your facility at making things up and I'm sure you'll conjure a third alternative.
Posted by: baldilocks | August 30, 2005 at 08:31 AM
*You* might try rereading the post. It's fairly obvious God isn't on the side of those who rejoice in the death of innocents even though they call us the "Great Satan". There's nothing particularly political about not giving in to those who wants you dead. And God CANNOT be tempted, if you believe in the Christian God. And I doubt if any Muslims would think less of theirs. And if you don't believe in God then the statement is moot. Either way your statement disqualifies *you* from any theological discussion, since you obviously can't grasp the basic beliefs of anybody.
Lastly if you don't believe the hurricane's movement says nothing about our character as a people, why do you call it God's "chastisement" on us?
Posted by: fuzz | August 30, 2005 at 08:34 AM
ack, remove "don't" on the last sentence of my post. Should have previewed.
Posted by: fuzz | August 30, 2005 at 08:36 AM
Ms. "B",
I don't believe you were politicizing a thing; However, we can all bet that the left will make political capital out of Katrina in the form of: looters are just getting the things that society should have provided them with and how can conservatives stand by when so many have so little and so forth. The storm itself will have been called G.W.'s fault because he did nothing about global warming, etc.
They will politicize the storm because everything that happens is someone's fault in not seeing it coming and presumably a conservative's fault because Howard Dean says we've never worked an honest day in our lives! Let's remember that! - Oldguy
Posted by: Oldguy | August 30, 2005 at 10:26 AM
The left will politicize (HAVE politicized) this storm because, of course, Everything Bad is W's Fault. Including not getting the right date for the senior prom two decades ago.
Posted by: Tully | August 30, 2005 at 11:43 AM
The unimaginable destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina is going to the lead to the complete unraveling of the Bush presidency. In a couple of months Bush will be longing for the days when his job approval rating was a soaring 40%.
New Orleans is a lost city. Hundreds of miles of coastline have been completely devastated. Hundreds of thousands of people are now refugees. Gas prices are about to surge above $3.00/gal. As the American public begins to understand the enormity of this catastophe and its human suffering it will have even less patience for the folly in Iraq.
We have plenty of noble causes that require our immediate attention right here in the good ol' US of A. There's no time for a misadventure halfway around the world that has cost almost 2,000 American lives and approaching 300,000,000,000 dollars.
The American people know this. Somebody should tell George Bush.
baldilocks says: A part of this country is gone and all you care about is GWB's presidency. Very telling.
See "hello?" This is politicization of a disaster.
Posted by: | August 30, 2005 at 01:46 PM
Nudge, nudge, Wink wink; See? What'd I tell ya?
Posted by: Oldguy | August 30, 2005 at 02:26 PM
"Let’s face it. It was supposed to be worse."
Methinks, you spoke a bit too soon.
baldilocks says: Yep. I put up a new post saying as much.
Posted by: BigDuke | August 30, 2005 at 02:28 PM
Not so good for the old credibility when youz turn out so grossly wrong !
baldilocks says: "Is no human ever wrong in your imaginary universe, Horatio?"
It only affects my credibility when I don't admit that I'm wrong. That's how credibility works among adult human beings.
Posted by: Neo Logic | August 30, 2005 at 03:03 PM
Baldilocks, it's pretty bizarre for you to complain about the politization of Katrina when it was you yourself who began it. I'm sure you'll have a bizarre rejoinder.
Posted by: | August 30, 2005 at 05:54 PM
Please pay attention, Mr./Ms. No Name. I've already "rejoined."
Posted by: baldilocks | August 30, 2005 at 06:16 PM
Only 80 percent of the city is below sea level. No potable water. Electricity out for weeks.
How it could be any worse?
New Orleans is as well off as your credibility.
baldilocks says: Um, Steve? This isn't the most recent post made on the subject. You might try reading the posts that are. However, if you want to ignore something so simple in order to make a bogus point about credibility, I certainly won't stop you.
The purposeful blindness that some people are willing to take on in order to be "correct" amazes me. In the meantime, people are homeless.
In one of the posts you're ignoring, Steve, there's a list of places which are helping to alleviate the suffering of Katrina's victims. Instead of playing games here, why don't go check it out?
Posted by: Steven Young | August 30, 2005 at 06:27 PM
By the way, No Name, I don't expect to convince you of anything. I've attempted to address any opposing points as if they were coming from reasonable persons. However, you and I both know that you're not here to be convinced, but to label; hence the 'bizarre' label without any evidence to back it up.
Just so we're being honest here.
Now, if you will excuse me. It's been fun. However, I've got more serious matters to attended to. To understand why I'm done with this, read number sixteen on my About Page; it's especially meant for people like you.
Don't be a stranger.
Posted by: baldilocks | August 30, 2005 at 06:28 PM
The situation now seems to have hit "worst case scenerio". Way to speak to soon.
Posted by: Jeremy Lassen | August 31, 2005 at 02:54 AM
The situation now seems to have hit "worst case scenerio". Way to speak to soon.
What is wrong with you people?! It takes all of what 3 seconds (with a cable modem maybe a minute with dial-up) to check and see 1) the updates to this post and 2) the five or six posts written after this one.
Blind willful ignorance becomes no one.
Posted by: Samantha | August 31, 2005 at 08:26 AM
They're more used to the type of blogger who would disappear his/her mistakes rather than correct them.
Posted by: baldilocks | August 31, 2005 at 08:39 AM
StinKerr wrote: "...God and praying, both of which have become politicized since approximately January 20,2001."
They were politicized long before that. American leftists have been demonizing Christians and Christianity for decades.
Posted by: pst314 | September 03, 2005 at 10:29 AM