Hi there.
It’s nice to see that all of you good people--friend and troll alike—have been entertaining yourselves in my short absence. Additionally, thanks for all of the pertinent information. Now I’m back and ready for “fun.”
New fan, clean drive, most programs re-installed. Gee; it’s almost like having a tummy tuck.
No, I’m not going to complain about how much it cost. I’ll just be thankful that I was able to get it done.
I do have one problem: my email sundries--old mails and address book--were backed up and sit in a folder on my hard drive. How do I access this stuff and/or import it from one mail client to another (T-bird to Outlook)?
Wow! a tummy tuck in 3 days...lol
So glad you're up and going again. Wouldn't be a complete evening without stopping by and get the scoop from here.
Posted by: Chevy Rose | August 24, 2005 at 06:34 PM
O.K. Miss / Mrs. Baldilocks
"Just the facts" a- moondough!!
You say you got a " New fan "?
Youre a celebrity you get new fans everyday !!! Lets talk [recent] News. Then you say you took a " clean drive" Huh? , New fan/clean drive. Where'd you go for 3 days??? Clean drive ? That car wash must a been longer then the L.A. Turnpike, In Los angelos
,My city. Stuck in traffic for 3 days? That must have been {some new Fan] , If you catch my toxics , Any ways lets chase from the cut Here I didnt just fall off a tunafish !!! You say because of this little 3 day joyride, You got most of youre programs reinstalled !!!! . Was this "fan" A t.V. repair guy ? cause wer'e lookin for 8 of em right here in this county?? Was he that famous cable guy Mike the cableguy are whatever his name is on that stupid comedy channel . You better come clean
caus you got " Missing Person Stigma" In youre "Book" ,Now baby and we're watching you.
Posted by: skinner | August 25, 2005 at 12:09 AM
I'm sorry, did I hear you correctly? You want to move your stuff FROM Tbird TO outlook?
(and to answer your question, I don't know if Outlook recognizes Tbird as an email program. If it does, you should just be able to use its import function)
Posted by: A Proud Veteran | August 25, 2005 at 07:53 AM
It's been a while since I've used it, but if memory serves Outlook includes a mail Import function, and I think
Mozilla is listed as a selection.
This should work, as Mozilla and T-bird use the same data format.
Me, I stay with Mozilla as a mail client, since the calendar plug-in gives me functionality similar to Outlook in terms of appointments, events, and so on.
Not only that, the calendar format is compatible with iCal. :)
Posted by: Casey Tompkins | August 25, 2005 at 07:57 AM
APV: Okay. How to I get it off my hard drive and back into T-bird? I can't seem to do either.
Casey: The import function doesn't list Mozilla.
Posted by: baldilocks | August 25, 2005 at 08:44 AM
Here ya go, B.
And, no, Outlook does not support Mozilla imports. No idea why not, you'd think they'd be happy to have taken a "customer" away from the Mozilla crowd.
My guess.. Mozilla is just too cool, and any attempts to import it into Outlook causes the M$ product to suffer from "Richie meets the Fonz" syndrome... but that's just a guess ;)
Posted by: Steve in Boston | August 26, 2005 at 06:02 AM