Jody Becker interviews a couple of tough chicks, Risawn and yours truly!
UPDATE: Jody has more interviews from ladies who have served:
Florida Cracker
Beth from My Vast Rightwing Conspiracy
Mama Montezz
UPDATE: The Cotillion salutes the Milbloggers!
Member of the Funny Name Club
Beautimo. You rock!
Hey everybody, Baldi rocks!
Posted by: teal marie | July 04, 2005 at 12:01 PM
I was a die hard libeberal that couldndt spell good untill I found this post hey these service women ar HOT they make the dixie chicks look like what they are SHWETT PIGGS I thinked Im a conservertor now SHIZAMMMMM!!!
Posted by: skinner | July 05, 2005 at 02:30 AM