Jason of CounterColumn (the blog formerly known as Iraq Now) exposes NY Times columnist Bob Herbert’s horrendous ignorance regarding the function of that old oxymoron, military intelligence.
In the commentary, Mr. Herbert also takes a shot at Lt. Gen. William Boykin. You remember him, don’t you? He’s the deputy undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence who also happens to be a member of one of the most feared groups in the world: fundamentalist Christians. Mr. Herbert seems to think that membership in this group somehow disqualifies General Boykin from taking an active part in any endeavors regarding national security.
Tell me, Mr. Herbert, does the military have a regulation that specifies to which religion its intelligence personnel can adhere? Will accepting Jesus Christ as Savior prevent competence at intelligence collection and analysis? And has the military never been involved in intelligence matters in the past? Surely, you know the answers to these questions from your apparent wealth of knowledge on both subjects. (That's sarcasm, folks. I know the answer to all of them.)
When did fundamentalist Christians—who occasionally annoy—become more feared than Islamists—who occasionally cut off folks’ heads? And when did fundamentalist Christians, as a group, become generally known for not doing their appointed duties as military men and women?
But I won’t fully fisk the column, since Jason has already done an able job.
(Thanks to Instapundit, who also tossed me an Instalanche in the link)
Dear Juliette,
Contrary to your belief, Islamists do not "occasionally cut off folks' heads." This is a vile and unconscionable slander on a group whose activities deserve to be reported fairly, without bias.
Islamists frequently cut off folks' heads.
All my best,
Fran Porretto
Posted by: Francis W. Porretto | December 28, 2004 at 04:32 PM
On the contrary, Fran, my darling. It's only on the occasion when the prospective beheadee isn't carrying a firearm.
Hope you had a Merry Christmas! :-)
Posted by: baldilocks | December 28, 2004 at 04:47 PM
YOu're not allowed to say "Christmas", are you???
Posted by: Iron Mike | December 28, 2004 at 05:31 PM
I guess Mr. Herbert would be scared sh*tless if he knew how many Mormons there are in Military Intelligence. Maybe he should enlist and become a recruiter so he can recruit more Wiccans and Druids into MI. Maybe they could use magic to gather intel. I can see it now: MAGINT!
Posted by: Noble Eagle | December 28, 2004 at 05:35 PM
I must reject that comment: "Islamists frequently cut off heads."
That's the modern equivalent of blood libel, and is tremendously destructive.
There are billions of Muslims in the world. Some of them served in my unit. A Muslim friend of mine serves in the Secret Service on the presidential detail. I would trust him and many other muslims I have known with my life. Some of these Muslims are great Americans.
Others are taking incredible risks to build a new and prosperous Iraq and Afghanistan right now. Many have given their lives.
Others are trying to build a free press in Iran.
Many others are just trying to live their lives and raise their sons and daughters.
It's possible to reject terrorism without rejecting Islam. Indeed, our eventual victory in the GWOT depends on us being able to successfully isolate the headchoppers from the Muslims.
Lazy or bigoted comments like that do a disservice.
Jason Van Steenwyk
Posted by: | December 29, 2004 at 05:31 AM
I looked up Islamist at dictionary.com. There were 2 definitions listed:
1. An Islamic revivalist movement, often characterized by moral conservatism, literalism, and the attempt to implement Islamic values in all spheres of life.
2. The religious faith, principles, or cause of Islam.
Most people I know use the word Islamist to describe Islamic extremists (Islamofacists), as opposed to the word Muslim, which they use to describe followers of Islam. By those definitions, all Islamists - or Islamofacists/Islamic extremists, if you prefer - are Muslims, but this does not mean that all Muslims are extremists.
I don't believe that Juliette and Fran were implying that all Muslims are extremists; hence the use of the word Islamist, rather than Muslim.
Posted by: Noble Eagle | December 29, 2004 at 06:18 AM
Yea, jeez...take a chill pill and get over it. All this "bigoted comments do a disservice" crap has got to stop. What's with people these days?
1) We all know what we mean when we say "Islamist"
2) Haven't you people ever heard, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, BUT WORDS WILL NEVER HURT ME."
Good God, even my 5-year old knows that.
Posted by: Iron Mike | December 29, 2004 at 06:32 AM
*Islamists do* frequently cut off heads, Jason. Are all Muslims Islamists?
Don't assume that everyone is "lazy and bigoted" and doesn't know what they're talking about.
I used to *be* a Muslim.
Posted by: baldilocks | December 29, 2004 at 10:26 AM
You were??? Was this when I first knew you??
Posted by: Iron Mike | December 29, 2004 at 06:39 PM
Mike: Nope. When I was a kid (my parents, actually. We're all Christians now.)
BTW, thanks for the Christmas photos of those beautiful kids of yours. You and S. aren't so bad looking either, though I miss that ZZ Top look you had when you were you-know-where. :-)
Posted by: baldilocks | December 29, 2004 at 07:16 PM
That ZZ Top look is long gone...sadly!
Thanks about the kids...I can only credit my wife though. She gave them their good looks (and brains). Sadly, all I gave them was head circumference!!!
Posted by: Iron Mike | December 30, 2004 at 06:47 PM
Please replace your photo. I've seen your other photos and you're a very attractive black woman. But based on your current photo, for the past month I've been thinking you were a man.
This is not spam. The photo shows zero detail. It's terrible.
Posted by: | January 06, 2005 at 10:50 PM
Anonymous (by the way, I know who you are): I'll just have to get over it. One of the hazards of having short hair.
And thanks. I think. :-)
Posted by: baldilocks | January 06, 2005 at 11:11 PM
I guess I dont get it. Maybe you can explain:
Fanatical muslim = bad (e.g."head chopping")
Fanatical christian = good (e.g. Abu Gharaib)
This was the point of the essay wasn't it or am I wrong.
Posted by: Russ Limbo | January 07, 2005 at 12:41 AM
Um, maybe I missed a report or two on this, but were the American perps of Abu Ghraib fundamentalist Christians?
Posted by: baldilocks | January 07, 2005 at 02:13 PM